How to Submit for Same-Day Review at Building Permit Counter
Select minor projects such as reroofs, mechanical installations, facade remodels/repairs, and patio covers may be reviewed an approved in a single visit to the public counter. Any mechanical, electrical, or plumbing work that exceeds the M/E/P thresholds is not eligible for Same-Day Review and must be submitted to formal Plan review.
Express Permits: Project descriptions for single-family residential properties that qualify for Express Permits (i.e. do not require plans or review) can be found in this Information Bulletin.
Santa Monica's building permit process is now 100% paperless and requires that all permit applications and project documents to be uploaded to the City's Electronic Plan Review (EPR) system prior to visiting the public counter at the Permit Services Center (refer to handout of How to Prepare for Your Visit to the Permit Services Center). You may be assisted without uploading the required documentation; however, the online submittal will need to be completed using the public computer kiosks at the Permit Services Center and will significantly extend the duration of your visit.
NOTE: Projects with a valuation of $50,000 or more or that total 1,000 square feet or more of area require approval of a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan from the City's Zero Waste Team prior to visiting the public counter. For more information, email CDwaste@santamonica.gov or visit here.
Continue the Process:
Gather and prepare documents
+ -Prepare and complete your project documents, such as building permit application and project plans. Building permit applications can be found here.
Submit application online
+ -Create/submit application in Citizen Access (step-by-step instructions here).
Upload documents to ProjectDox
+ -Upload building permit application, project plans (if applicable), and other project related documentation to ProjectDox (see How to Upload Files to ProjectDox).
Visit Permit Services Center
+ -One the above steps have been completed you will be assigned a project number and you may visit the Permit Services Center for project review and building permit issuance. Customers are accepted either by appointment or walk-in (appointments are encouraged). You may schedule an appointment here. If the preceding steps have not been completed you will be directed to a computer kiosk to complete the online submittal, and you may be required to leave the building to complete the document uploads, which may significantly delay your visit.
Permit Specialist Prescreen
+ -Visit a Permit Specialist to prescreen project and prepare it for review by technical public counter staff.
Counter Review
+ -Visit the applicable public counter staff for project review. The project is approved and ready for building permit issuance upon receiving approvals from all reviewers.
Building Permit Issuance
+ -Upon receiving all required approvals, you will visit a Permit Specialist for fee payment and building permit issuance. Refer to Who Can Pull a Building Permit? handout for information that is required at time of permit issuance. A building permit shall be issued to a licensed contractor authorized to complete the proposed work, pursuant to the Contractors State License Board regulations.