10 Awesome Things that are Free with Your Santa Monica Public Library Card

September 24, 2019 1:00 PM
by Casey Cambridge

Perhaps it's an occupational influence, the way I feel compelled to visit the local library whenever I’m out of town. If it's a place in our golden state, sometimes I'll go all in and apply for the card. There's now a small gathering of them, each a reminder of a rural town over here, or a desert escape somewhere over there.

Of all these keys to entertainment and knowledge, my Santa Monica Public Library card gets the most wear and tear. September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, so if you don’t have one yet, now is the perfect time to apply. It’s easy and it’s free. And after all, the best things in life are free. Incidentally, free is also the best price.

With a card in your hand, you have an all-access pass to everything your public library wants you to and believes you should have: 

1. Books, CDs, & DVDs

If we’re not offering these things, we’re doing it wrong. Peruse our collection, either in person or online.

2. eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Digital Magazines

Hauling the 900-page hardbound version back and forth to the train? Check out the ebook or audiobook version instead. In-between books and can’t decide on what’s next? A digital magazine might be just what you need.

3. Streaming Music and Movies

Discover new artists and bands, or plan a cozy night in. Find out how you can stream free music and movies with your library card.

4. Classes, Programs, and Events

From classes on ESL and Excel, to concerts featuring pianists and percussionists, there’s a happening at the library for you. Check out what’s on the schedule, and stay in the loop by subscribing to our monthly e-newsletter.

5. Study Rooms

Maybe you’re brushing up for an exam. Or maybe you’re writing the next bestseller. Find some peace and quiet for your endeavor in one of our study rooms.

6. Co-Working Spaces and Wi-Fi

Utilize the free City Wi-Fi and get down to brass tacks on that project with your colleagues. No coffee purchase required.

7. Automatic Renewals

Did you know? Most materials will renew automatically (up to three times!) without any tap tap tap or click click on your part.

8. Language Learning

Whether you’re looking for full-on fluency, or just want to know how to say “thank you,” Mango Languages can demystify a new dialect before your next big trip.

9. Tutoring

Onsite or from behind a screen, for a must-pass class or lifelong learning, we are here to help.

10. Fine Free for Youth

This one is for the kids and teens. Adulting is hard, and there’s a whole life of it ahead of you. Should you have to worry about things like library fines just yet? We don’t think so!

So what are you waiting for? Your new library card is ready at one of our five locations, anticipating your admission to all of the very best things we have to offer.

Authored By

Casey Cambridge
Library Assistant II