Neighborhood Organizations

 Neighborhood Organization Grant Program


The City of Santa Monica is accepting proposals from qualified neighborhood organizations for up to $7,000 in funding through the Neighborhood Organization Grant Program. The program is designed to provide financial support to assist neighborhood organizations so that they may further communication with the residents within their neighborhood and build membership. 

In order to be considered for funding, applicants must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements: 

All funds awarded during the fiscal year 2023-2024 grant cycle are to be expended by June 15, 2024. Organizations will be required to provide a Final Closeout Report and return any remaining grant funds in accordance with the Grant Reporting Requirements section of this fiscal year 2023-2024 Neighborhood Grant Application. Final Close Out Reports for the 2023-2024 Grant are due June 22, 2024. Applications for the fiscal year 2023-2024 Grant Program are available below: 

Neighborhood Organization Grant Application 

To view a map of the neighborhood organization boundaries as a PDF, click here.