Santa Monica Housing Office - Property Owners and Developers

Are you a Property Owner...

...with AHPP units (also known as inclusionary)? View the Affordable Housing Production Program (AHPP) page for owners to learn more about the affordable housing requirements and guidelines. 

...wanting to list a home for voucher program tenants? The Santa Monica Housing Authority does not maintain a list of vacancies. Please list your rental through whatever service you see fit and if any voucher holders apply they will provide you with all necessary paperwork.

...or landlord with tenants who hold Housing Choice (HCV), Continuum of Care (CoC), or HOME vouchers? See Property Owners with Voucher-Holding Tenants.

...interested in attaching vouchers to your apartments? See Project-Based Vouchers

...needing to pay tenant relocation fees? View the Tenant Relocation Fee page

...requesting rent increase, please complete the Rent Increase Request Form and submit it via email to or mail to the Santa Monica Housing Authority for prompt processing.

Are you a Developer...

...looking to build multifamily housing in Santa Monica? View the Mulitfamily Housing Developers page to learn more about the affordable housing requirements and guidelines. 

...needing to pay tenant relocation fees? View the Tenant Relocation Fee page

...seeking a loan to build affordable housing in Santa Monica? View the Housing Trust Funds page to learn more