🌈 SaMo PRIDE: Get to Know Drew, Marcus and Isabel

June 21, 2019 9:00 AM
by Christopher J. Smith

In honor of Pride Month, we are celebrating the diversity of our community by asking different members of the LGBTQA community to share their story, ideas and perspective on Santa Monica. 

These bios originally appeared in the June edition of Seascape


Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Santa Monica's Vicar/Pastoral Intern

1) How do you identify?

I identify as Queer and Transgender.

2) What’s your experience in Santa Monica, and how has it changed since you arrived?

Definitely not the same as Minnesota, weather-wise! In my time living here, I have only felt welcomed and appreciated. The vibe here is laid-back, casual, free-spirited. The one thing that has been a visible concern for me is the stark contrast between the supremely wealthy and the supremely impoverished. There seems to be a “live and let live,” mentality, which can be helpful. And, it can also be read as complacency.

3) What are some of the ways LGBTQ people connect or feel a sense of community in Santa Monica?

Queerness spans all races, colors, and abilities. Add your preferred pronouns to your email signatures and begin meetings by asking everyone to share their pronouns. It’ll be awkward at first, but making the table bigger can feel like that sometimes. Own your ignorance - if you don’t know something, say that. Don’t pretend you know something. Ask us questions - just don’t be a jerk about it. Respect our “no” if we don’t feel like answering your questions. And above all, know that love is love.

Marcus Kuiland-Nazario

18th Street Art Center Co-Founder and Artist-in-Residence

1) How do you identify? 

Usually, I will answer to any pronoun politely spoken in my direction.

2) What is your connection to Santa Monica?

I’m one of the many founding artists of the 18th Street Arts Center. Jan Williamson, the current Executive Director of 18th Street calls us the “First Fivers” (those of us that were here for the first 5 years). I’m currently an Artist in Residence there once again. I have a work in progress called MACHO STEREO that opens June 1 at 18th Street that I’ve been developing in collaboration with SMPL and the Brentwood Art Center funded by the City of Santa Monica Cultural Affairs Division.

Isabel Rodriguez

Santa Monica College Student Body President

1) How do you identify?
Even though I am not a huge fan of labels because of the pressure that sometimes comes with trying to fit in one of them, I do identify as a lesbian.

2)What brought you to Santa Monica? 
I was born and raised in Valladolid, Spain. My hometown is one of the most conservative cities in Spain, and since I was very young I felt disconnected to its community. In fact, I never felt comfortable enough to be my true self back there. At 17, when I decided to continue my higher education abroad, one of the very few things that I knew for sure is that I wanted a change of environment. I wanted to live in a progressive community, in which being different would be applauded and not condemned. I had been lucky enough to visit Los Angeles, and Santa Monica specifically, some years back while visiting my older sister who was pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree at CSUN at the time. Since the very first time, I fell in love with the friendliness and diversity of the Santa Monica community. I knew that it was the right place for me.

3)What’s your experience in Santa Monica, and how has it changed since you arrived?

After almost three years attending Santa Monica College and being actively involved on campus, I can say that Santa Monica and its people have exceeded my expectations. I have not only found a community in which I finally feel confident and proud to show my true colors, but I have also become a servant leader. The high levels of civic engagement of the Santa Monica community have inspired and motivated me to hold leadership positions, in which I have grown and become a more conscious and responsible citizen. I am forever thankful to this community for welcoming me with open arms, for helping me become proud of who I am, and for pushing me to always become a better version of myself!

Authored By

Christopher J. Smith
Assistant to the City Manager