The Blue Notebook - A Weekly SMPD Recap December 28, 2024 - January 3, 2025
January 6, 2025 3:00 PM
by Erika Aklufi
Calls for Service (CFS): 1,919.
YTD (through 12/28): 127,978
of calls:
- Citizen Initiated: 1,081 calls for service. 76,727 YTD (60% of total CFS).
- Officer Initiated: 838 calls for service. 51,521 YTD (40% of total CFS).
- Disposition for CFS: Homeless related = 19% YTD.
- Encampment Calls: 17. 1,635 YTD.
- 5150 Calls: 4. 667 YTD.
- Arrests: 49. Total arrests. 2,778 YTD.
Operations Division
Robbery - 200 Block of Broadway.
Two suspects entered the Nordstrom and stole multiple items. When they left the store, a loss prevention
officer confronted the suspects about the stolen merchandise. One of the suspects pepper sprayed the victim
before both suspects fled the store. The
merchandise was recovered, and photos of the suspects were provided with
information for the report.
Fire – 1400 Block of Berkeley Street. A fire in the garage led to a gas line
rupture. Officers assisted by helping to
evacuate nearby apartments complexes and single-family residences. SMFD
and LAFD responded and extinguished the fire. Southern California Edison was
notified of damage to nearby power poles and lines. No evidence of Arson. The incident is under investigation.
Arson – 1000 Block 5th
Officers responded to a radio call of a trash can fire in alley. Officers arrived to
find the trash can fully engulfed. The fire
caused damage to a wooden fence adjacent to parking for an apartment complex.
Robbery / Warrant Arrest -200 Block of Broadway. Officers responded to a call of an Estes
robbery at Nordstroms. The suspect stole
merchandise and was contacted outside by loss prevention, who took property
back. During a struggle for the property, the suspect struck the victim in the
face. The subject was detained at 4th
Street/Colorado Avenue. Property recovered. During a search incident to arrest,
a meth pipe was located on the suspect. A records check revealed the
suspect had an outstanding No Bail warrant narcotics violation.
Arrest –2500 Block of Main Street. Officers conducted a traffic stop for a
moving violation. When the officers approached the vehicle, they observed an
open container of alcohol. The driver
admitted to possessing a firearm, which was subsequently located in a backpack
in the vehicle. A loaded magazine was
found in the glove box.
– 1800 Block of Stanford Street. During the early morning hours, officers
responded to an audible burglar alarm.
The officers located an open window that appeared to have been forced. An interior search of the location was
completed and a responsible party was called to the scene. It was confirmed the
location was burglarized and electronics were missing.
Assault - 300 Block of Colorado Avenue. The victim and suspect were strangers to one
another. The suspect was seen by witnesses punching the victim,
strangling her, and attempting to pull her pants down. Two passersby and a security guard
interrupted the crime giving the victim the opportunity to get away. The
suspect was arrested without incident. The victim was transported to a
local hospital for treatment. Crimes
Against Persons detectives assisted at the scene.
- 1685 Main Street (City Hall). An unknown suspect spray painted four windowpanes
on the main entrance doors. No words or recognizable symbols.
Graffiti removal hotline called.
Violence – 2000 Block of Olympic Boulevard. The
suspect and victim are in a dating relationship. The suspect, who was
under the influence of drugs, struck the victim multiple times during an
argument. The suspect was arrested after it was determined she was the
dominant aggressor. The victim sustained minor injuries.
Block Bay Street – Firearms Possession. Officers
contacted the occupants of a parked vehicle for a vehicle code violation. They observed a pistol partially tucked in between
the front seat and center console, next to the driver. Officers recovered
the firearm and discovered it to be a loaded 9mm semi-automatic pistol.
Hit & Run (Auto vs. Pedestrian) – Harvard Ave and Wilshire Boulevard. The suspect struck a pedestrian
and then fled. A witness followed the suspect several blocks and called 911. Responding
officers located the suspect and the parked vehicle. The suspect had no
signs of impairment. The suspect was arrested for Hit and Run and being
unlicensed. The victim was transported
to a local hospital in stable condition.
Crime Impact Team (CIT)
- Traffic Stops: 10
- Pedestrian Stops: 8
- Bike Stops: 2
- Felony Arrests: 3
- Misdemeanor Arrests: 0
- Citations: 0
- Field Interviews: 7
- Radio Calls: 8
CIT conducted a crime suppression operation on Ocean Front Walk and the south beach parking lots resulting in the following:
- Traffic Stops – 3
- Pedestrian Stops – 5
- Field Interviews – 3
- Felony Arrests– 1
Incident of note:
CIT officers observed as subject removing items from a city owned trashcan in the 2500blk of Ocean Front Walk, in violation of 5.08.300(a) of the Santa Monica Municipal Code (SMMC). The subject was contacted and admitted to having a meth pipe. The suspect additionally gave a false name to officers. The suspect was found to have an outstanding parole revocation warrant.
CIT conducted a crime suppression operation in the Pico Neighborhood and the following was the activity:
- Traffic Stops – 6
- Pedestrian Stops – 3
- Field Interviews – 4
Incident of note:
CIT officers were notified of a felony vehicle related to a domestic violence that occurred on Kansas Avenue. The suspect threatened to kill the victim with a firearm and struck her multiple times, causing visible injury. The suspect fled in his vehicle and was considered armed and dangerous. CIT officers utilized department resources and located the unoccupied vehicle near the victim’s residence in Los Angeles. CIT officers passed along the vehicle and suspect information to patrol officers and LAPD Pacific Division. The suspect was later arrested by LAPD for domestic violence and criminal threats.
CIT officers assisted Traffic Investigators with service of arrest and search warrants for a suspect wanted in a felony hit and run. Criminal Investigation Division (CID) plain clothes personnel set up surveillance of the suspect’s residence and confirmed the suspect and vehicle were at the residence. SMPD’s SWAT and CIT served the warrant and took the suspect into custody without incident. The suspect’s vehicle was seized, and the search warrant was successfully served.
Directed Action Response Team
- Arrests: 5
- Field Interviews: 5
- Citations: 9
- Encampments: 3
- 5150 Holds: 0
DART officers conducted a consensual encounter of a subject in the 300 Block of the Pier. The subject was on probation for narcotics violations. The subject was also a sex registrant from out of state who was out of compliance.
DART officers detained a subject in the 1600 Block of Ocean Front Walk for a municipal code violation. The subject had an outstanding $100K warrant for Assault with a Deadly Weapon.
DART officers contacted a subject living in an encampment in the 1600 Block of the Beach. The subject was a woman who has been identified as Priority Population (she became homeless in Santa Monica or has been homeless in the city for several years). The individual was transported to the Salvation Army where she completed their intake process and is awaiting a bed.
DART officers conducted a consensual encounter of an individual with two outstanding $10K SMPD warrants for public camping. The subject was cited in the field and released.
DART officers contacted a subject for smoking in the 1500 block of Palisades Park. A want/warrant check of the subject returned with a full extradition warrant out of the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office (SFSO). SFSO confirmed the warrant and advised they would pick up from LA County Jail.
DART officers contacted a subject in an encampment in the 2900 Block of the Beach. The suspect was an out of compliance sex registrant.
DART officers contacted a subject known to be on probation in the 1500 Block of Palisades Park. During a probation compliance check, the subject was in possession of a dirk or dagger. The subject was arrested for felony possession of dirk/dagger and a probation violation.
DART officers contacted a subject in the 1300 Block of the Beach for drug paraphernalia in plain view. The subject was also in possession of methamphetamine. The subject was cited and released in the field.
DART officers contacted a subject for a municipal code violation. The subject was wanted out of Connecticut. The local police department advised they would not extradite for the warrant. Officers cited the subject for the municipal code violation.
Engagement Team (CET)
Academy is open to all residents and business owners in Santa Monica. If you or someone you know might be
interested in participating in a future class, please email CPC Barreto at halima.barreto@santamonica.gov. We would love to have you/them join us! Learn more here.
Beat 1 – Neighborhood Resource Officer (NRO)
Hollowell and Crime Prevention Coordinator (CPC) Barreto
Away from the office.
Beat 2 – NRO Navarro and CPC Barreto
NRO Navarro attended a Grant Street block party and met with
approximately 25 residents. The residents were concerned regarding
abandoned home in their neighborhood NRO Navarro did not see
any obvious violations by homeowner but was able to arrange for a Code
Enforcement investigation opened through a supervisor. NRO Navarro
also contacted the homeowner regarding nuisance complaints received. She
was advised that Code Enforcement was investigating and advised her to respond
Beat 3 – NRO Galvan with CPC Barreto
NRO Galvan
attended the Mid-City monthly meeting. Crime statistics were discussed
and questions answered. NRO Galvan also let the group know this will be
the last meeting and Christian Tago will be taking over beginning January 12th.
The group was asked to email NRO Galvan as well as NRO Tago until January 12th.
NRO Galvan
participated in a motor/pedestrian operation at Main and Hollister and 19th and
San Vicente. NRO Galvan walked in the crosswalk and motor officers issued
citations to drivers who did not yield to the pedestrian in the
crosswalk. Over 60 citations were issued between both locations.
Beat 4 – NRO Wang with CPC Barreto
NRO Wang received a call regarding
trash/vandalism to the rear of a building in the 800 Block of Lincoln
Boulevard. NRO Wang responded to the location and determined there was no vandalism;
however, trash was abundant, and it appeared RRR has not picked up the trash
for some time.
NRO Wang responded to the noise complaints at
a Beat 4 multi-unit residence on 2nd Street. NRO Wang contacted the
resident, who denied any wrongdoing but expressed a willingness to minimize
disturbances. NRO Wang also reached out to the reporting party and the
landlord. NRO Wang will continue to monitor the situation.
NRO Wang has been working on a persistent
problem at St. Paul Lutheran church regarding a chronic trespasser. NRO Wang
coordinated with the HLP team who successfully located and arrested the subject
for 602 PC. NRO Wang followed up with the church and will be monitoring this
NRO Wang spoke to a Code Enforcement Officer
regarding violations at El Rincon. Code Enforcement updated NRO Wang regarding
progress in correcting the violations and compliance from the business.
NRO Wang was assigned to be the department
liaison to the PSROC to collaborate community events with. NRO Wang reached out
to commissioners and is awaiting a response. NRO Wang anticipates the first
event to start after the new year.
NRO Wang spoke to a citizen who is planning to
travel cross country to California. The subject asked for legal advice
regarding CCW laws and properly transporting a firearm.
NRO Wang handled a noise complaint from an
apartment building on 6th Street. An elderly resident who has memory
issues and is hard of hearing keeps the TV volume on high, disturbing
neighbors. The neighbors and HOA have had little success with contacting him
due to his hearing impairment. NRO Wang was able to get the subject’s phone
number and spoke to him regarding this issue. NRO Wang will be conducting a
welfare check on the subject and may potentially involve APS depending on his
A resident called NRO Wang regarding a
neighbor who has been smoking indoors, causing secondhand smoke to come inside
his unit. The resident further explained that the smell sometimes smells like
chemicals. The resident was advised to call patrol when it happens so the
officer can access what the smell is. NRO Wang will be checking on this
location next week.
CPC Barreto-
CPC Barreto and NRO Galvan visited Amai Coffee
and Mr. T Boba House on Pico Blvd. regarding recent burglaries in the plaza.
Amai Coffee is a fairly new establishment (formerly Rocco’s Cheesecakes) and
were told about the work the Community Affairs office does, including security
assessments and the partnership with the upcoming grant for Pico businesses.
CPC Barreto collected crime stats for Mid-City
neighbors and emailed the data to the association.
Harbor Patrol Unit
- Calls for Service: 11
- EMS Calls: 4
- Ocean Rescue/Assist: 1 Vessel / 1 Person
- Homeless Advisals: 4
- Police Assists: 2
- Fire Assists: 1
- Lifeguard Assists: 1
Notable Incidents:
the Influence Assist:
While conducting pier closure, Harbor Services Officers (HSOs) observed a subject
lying next to the central restrooms. HSOs attempted to wake him without
success. Pier custodians noted they observed him drinking a large amount of
alcohol earlier in the evening. HSOs requested paramedics for alcohol intoxication
and rendered aid while waiting for them to arrive. The man was transported to a local hospital.
/ Trip & Fall:
While on a separate medical call, HSOs were flagged about a female who fell and
had a foot injury. Due to a traffic jam on the pier ramp, HSOs transported the
injured woman to Ocean Avenue where she was transferred to the fire department
and taken by ambulance to a local hospital.
Medical / Auto vs. Pedestrian: HSO’s Westmoreland and Roney responded to Ocean and Colorado for a possible collision between an auto and a pedestrian. The HSOs located the pedestrian and tried to gather information, but the person was uncooperative. There were no visible injuries. The individual declined treatment and transportation to a hospital.
Authored By
Erika Aklufi