The Blue Notebook - A Weekly SMPD Recap February 16-22, 2025

March 4, 2025 12:49 PM
by Lewis Gilmour


Total Calls for Service (CFS) 02/16 – 02/22: 2,479.  2025 Total:  16,625

 Source of calls:


Traffic Enforcement – City Wide






Assault with a Deadly Weapon- 3100 Block of Urban Ave: The victim interrupted two males stealing the cat converter from his vehicle.  The victim yelled at the suspects, and they fled down driveway. One of the suspects turned and fired multiple gun shots as they ran away.  No casings or strike marks located. 

Assault with a Deadly Weapon- 600blk Hill St:  The victim was inside his apartment and heard a loud buzzing sound he recognized from a previous cat converter theft. Victim ran outside his apartment to the alley and saw the suspect standing with a flashlight in front of his parked Prius. The suspect pulled a silver handgun out of his right jacket pocket and pointed it at victim. The suspect yelled at the victim that he had a gun. Victim ran away in fear and called PD.

Non-Injury Traffic Collision involving City Property- Main Street and Ocean Park Blvd: On 02/20/2025 at approximately 0833 hours, officers responded to a radio call of a non-injury Traffic Collison. Santa Monica Fire Engine 5 was responding Code 3 to a call when second party did not yield to the SMFD Engine. Engine 5 received minor damage to the front bumper. SMFD Battalion Chief James Altman responded to the location.

Missing Person – Silver Alert / 2121 Santa Monica Blvd (St. John’s Hospital):  Missing person (77) has not been seen for at least 3 weeks by his family. Subject walked out of St. John’s Hospital.

Burglary – Residential / 800blk 20th St: Victim arrived home and found two suspects burglarizing residence. Suspects fled in waiting vehicle. No one in custody.

Burglary – Residential / 1400blk 17th St. Suspect enters location by damaging key box. Once inside suspect ransacks location. In custody

Domestic Violence /Sex Assault / False Imp– 2800blk 6th St The victim and the suspect are married with children.  The suspect grabbed the victim’s groin area and demanded sex as she was breastfeeding their 1-year-old.  The suspect physically assaulted the victim further, blocked her path of escape, and physically struck their 5-year-old child when he tried to call 911.  Firearm recovered from location.  DCFS notified. 

Gun Arrest – Main / Pico: Officers observed a vehicle with suspended registration. They conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle at Main / Pico. Officers located a firearm in the suspect’s front pants pocket. The firearm was found to have an obliterated serial number. Suspect determined to be a juvenile, transported to SMPD and cited out to parent.

Burglary – 1400blk Ocean Ave: The suspect forcibly broke into the front lobby at the above location. The suspect then attempted to force the door open of an occupied unit, but the victim screamed, and the suspect walked away. The suspect eventually broke through the window of the adjacent unit that was unoccupied. The suspect then broke the glass leading into the gym. The suspect ran northbound on Ocean Avenue where officers on an unrelated traffic stop contacted him. The suspect also found to have a no bail warrant.

Warrant arrest – 1150 Lincoln Blvd (Christine Reed Park) DSU officers observed a known probationer at reed park. Upon conducting a records check, they found the suspect had two outstanding SMPD warrants for H&S violation for $75k each. In custody. 

No bail parole violation – 1600 Santa Monica Blvd DSU officers conducted a consensual encounter with the suspect. A records check was conducted and revealed the suspect had an outstanding no bail parole violation for sexual battery. In custody. 

Possession of narcotics – 6th and Wilshire Blvd.  DSU officers observed the suspect smoking at the bus stop. She detained him and observed narcotics paraphernalia in plain view on his person. The suspect admitted to being in possession of fentanyl. The suspect was arrested. 


Sex registrant violation/H&S violation –1300 5th St  DSU Officers were patrolling the area when they observed a known subject who they recognized as a sex registrant. They conducted a records check which revealed the suspect had an outstanding warrant for failure to register as a sex offender. A search incident to arrest revealed methamphetamine.  


1400 16th St - Warrant, H&S violation DSU Officers were conducting a periodic check of 7-11 when they observed the suspect who they recognized from a prior arrest. A records check revealed the suspect an outstanding 51K narcotics warrant. The suspect was detained and narcotics paraphernalia and fentanyl were located in addition to a social security/ID card not in the suspect’s name. 


314 PC, Parole Violation – 601 SM Blvd (SM Library) Officers responded to a subject masturbating inside the Santa Monica Public Library. The suspect was on the 2nd level when he exposed himself and masturbated 10 feet from a city employee while staring at her. The victim confronted the suspect who then left. Officers broadcasted a description, and the suspect was located inside 401 SM Blvd. Officers detained him and conducted several field show ups resulting in a positive ID. The suspect was placed under arrest and later found to be on probation for 459 PC and violated. 


False imprisonment SMPD warrant – 420 Broadway (Target) Officers were in the parking lot of Target, when they observed the suspect enter the store. They recognized him as a wanted subject from a flyer for false imprisonment from an incident in 2024. Officers made contact with the suspect inside target and confirmed his identify. He was placed under arrest on the warrant and booked.




CIT assisted HLP with a livability operation in the 500 Block of Olympic and the following was the activity:

A suspect was stopped for blocking the sidewalk. A want/ warrant check revealed them to be on parole and had a homicide warrant out of Oakland.

CIT conducted a crime suppression operation in the Pico Neighborhood and the following was the activity:

Officers conducted a traffic stop for vehicle code violation in the 2800 Block of Ocean Park. During the investigation, the suspect resisted and was immediately arrested. Search of the vehicle revealed 67 pills of synthetic oxycontin, nitrous oxide tanks, digital scale, plastic 1x1 baggies, and $640 of us currency.

CIT and the K9 unit responded to the city of Hawthorne to assist with a search for a 245 on a police officer.

CIT assisted CID/ RHU in the City of Watts with the apprehension of the 3rd homicide suspect from the 101 Wilshire homicide.

CIT assisted CID with taking a wanted burglary suspect into custody (Bulletin #25-2).





DART contacted 3 subjects in 1500 Alley 4 engaging in narcotics. The suspect, a known narcotics seller was arrested for felony narcotic sales (15.0 grams),

DART contacted a subject for being in possession of a knife. The suspect was wanted out of Redondo Beach for child abuse. RBPD picked up the suspect from the SM Jail.

700 block Wilshire- The suspect was fighting in the middle of the street. It was determined they had a $45,000 Glendale PD warrant for DUI. The suspect was also on probation for Burglary. Glendale PD  sent officers to pick him up from SMPD Jail.

300 block the Pier – A call for service was received regarding a subject brandishing a knife near a religious 1st. Amendment group. The suspect was openly carrying multiple knives, including a knife with an 10 inch fixed blade. The homeless suspect was arrested for 3.29.020SMMC-Open carry of knives. They have an extensive violent criminal history out of 5 different states.

1600 block 5th St The suspect rode e-bike through a red light and on sidewalk with a black face mask. The investigation revealed he was in possession of meth (5.0g) and a meth pipe along with bolt cutters, needle nose pliers, and a wrench. 

503 Olympic The suspect was detained for a narcotics violation. The suspect also had two felony Ventura warrants. He had extensive criminal history for drug sales, possession of firearms, burglary, robbery, fraud, firing gun at a dwelling.

2700 block the beach The suspect had a robbery warrant out of Orange County.

5th/ Colorado The suspect was contacted for drinking alcohol in public. The suspect is also a sex registrant, for child molestation out of compliance.

1400 block Palisades Park The suspect was contacted for smoking in park. He had a full extradition warrant out of NV for Robbery.

Encampment in the 100 block of the beach. 3 subjects located inside of the tent. One subject identified as a sex registrant out of compliance. Drug paraphernalia located on his person.


Beat 1 – NRO Hollowell

This week, NRO Hollowell had the opportunity to participate in the Greens Festival Black History Celebration, an inspiring event that brought the community together. Alongside the Community Engagement Team, we set up an SMPD booth featuring giveaways and valuable information for attendees. Our team actively engaged with the community, answering questions and discussing concerns about problem locations in the area. The open dialogue provided an opportunity to strengthen relationships and enhance community trust in our efforts.

In the spirit of celebration, NRO Hollowell even joined in on the festivities, sharing a few dance moves with event attendees. It was a great reminder of the importance of building connections beyond law enforcement, embracing moments of joy, and reinforcing our presence in a positive and approachable way. Events like these continue to highlight the significance of community engagement, ensuring that our outreach extends beyond policing to genuine relationship-building with the people we serve.

NRO Hollowell and the Community Engagement Team (CET) met with Google's Regional Security Team at their Playa Del Rey Campus. The meeting had dual objectives: firstly, discussing security plans and strengthening ties between Google and local law enforcement; secondly, touring the campus to gather inspiration for the Community Engagement Team Social Media Studio. This interaction was highly beneficial in building a strong relationship with Google and generating innovative ideas to amplify SMPD's messaging on social media.

NRO Hollowell attended C-Watch Roll Call on 2/19.

Beat 3 – NRO Tago

NRO Tago worked patrol on 2-16-25 and learned a shooting took place in the early morning hours in the 3000 block of Urban Avenue. NRO Tago reviewed the call notes and responded to the location to check on the homeowner’s well-being. NRO Tago introduced himself to the homeowners and some of their neighbors and provided them with his contact information. The homeowners were very thankful and pleased that NRO Tago stopped by to check on them.


Beat 4 – NRO Wang


NRO Wang is currently managing an ongoing civil matter and eviction notice in the 1800 block of California Ave, which is related to a recent overdose incident. NRO Wang has been in continuous communication with the property owner, and the civil eviction process is progressing.

A resident provided NRO Wang with video footage of a catalytic converter theft, which led NRO Wang to promptly notify the assigned officer.

NRO Wang, along with CPC Aguilar and Barreto, conducted three security assessments across the city.

NRO Wang also contacted Code Enforcement regarding a large storage container in the 200 block of 11th Street, which has been in place for an extended period.

NRO Wang was informed about a homeless individual who had been sleeping in the doorway of a business overnight. NRO Wang coordinated with the HLP Team to enforce municipal codes and offer outreach services.

Additionally, NRO Wang received training from Sgt. Verbeck on OIC duties, timecards, and recaps in preparation for assuming these responsibilities next week.

NRO Wang, along with Hollowell, CPC Barreto, Aguilar, and PIO Morrison, attended the "Boba with a Cop" event at Dr. T’s Boba.

NRO Wang has been keeping open lines of communication with Traffic Engineering to collaborate in a community event to promote traffic safety and mobility. NRO Wang is speaking with MAMA to try to allow Traffic Engineering to join in one of their two upcoming events.

CPC Barreto


On 2/18 CPC Barreto conducted a security assessment for a Pico business as part of their Pico Bid Grant Matching Program. She later conducted an assessment on the 1100 block of 23rd St. for a residential property. CPC Barreto conducted a training session with Versaterm for CPC Aguilar and explained how to get data for the Mid City meeting. CPC’s Aguilar and Barreto later attended the Mid City meeting and gave a report.


CPC Barreto hosted Boba with Badges at Dr. T House on Pico. The event was well-received, with approximately 50 attendees and inquiries for the upcoming Community Academy were made.


On 2/20 CPC Barreto and NRO Tago conducted back-to-back security assessments while training CPC Aguilar. Both assessments were for Pico businesses as part of their Grant Matching program.


CPC Barreto set up fingerprinting for Community Academy participants and presenters for the academy.


On 2/22 CPC’s Barreto and Aguilar, NRO Hollowell, and Cadet Mesa attended the Greens Festival at Virginia Avenue Park. They engaged the community, took photos for social media, recruited academy participants, and assisted with emergencies that came up at the park while in attendance.


CPC Aguilar

On 2/18 CPC Aguilar and NRO Wang assisted CPC Barreto on a security assessment for a the PIO area for the Pico Bid Grant-Matching Program.


CPC Aguilar, CPC Barreto and NRO Tago attended the Mid-City Neighbors meeting to give a report. CPC Aguilar was trained by CPC Barreto in Versaterm to get data for the meeting.


On 2/20 CPC Aguilar assisted with two security assessments in the PIO area for the Pico Bid Grant Matching Program.


On 2/21 CPC Aguilar went on a Ride along  in Beat 4.




Medical Aid / Chest Pain – Bottom of Pier Ramp HSOs responded to a check the status for a male that had fallen on the ground at the bottom of the pier ramp. HSOs arrived on scene and found the patient sitting upright in his wheelchair, stating his chest pain was 7/10 on palpation. HSO's took vitals and obtained patient information. E7 arrived on scene and took over care.


Medical Aid – 1550 Block of Beach  HSOs responded on Monica-1 to Lifeguard Tower 22 for a report of a medical emergency.  Lifeguards were on scene with an unresponsive female who may have been pulled out of water by good Samaritans. HSOs checked the water for additional victims and stood by until lifeguards cleared. Victim Transported.

Pier Jumper / 5150 – West End of Pier  HSOs were alerted at the Harbor Office that a person had just jumped into the water at the west end of the pier. HSOs arrived on scene and found witnesses indicating the subject had made his way under the pier toward the catwalk/Monica 1. HSOs located a M/W 20’s sitting on the catwalk. He made statements about jumping from the pier to harm himself but was cooperative with HSO’s when they spoke to him. SMFD Engine 7 arrived on scene, and the patient was transported via ambulance to the hospital on a 5150 hold.



Officers conducted a livability operation in the downtown area with other DSU Officers and the assistance of DART which resulted in:

Officers conducted approximately 3-4 hours on foot patrol on 3rd St., 2nd St and Ocean Ave. 

Periodic checks of structures 2, 4, 6 and 9.

Authored By

Lewis Gilmour

