The Blue Notebook - A Weekly SMPD Recap September 28- October 4, 2024

October 7, 2024 10:16 AM
by Erika Aklufi

National Coffee with a Cop Day - SMPD hosted two Coffee with a Cop (CWC) events this week in honor of National Coffee with a Cop Day. CWC is an international program bringing police officers and community members together in a casual setting. Residents stopped by 7-Eleven (16th and Santa Monica Blvd.)  and UnUrban Coffee House (Pico and Urban) to grab a cup of coffee, chat with their local officers, and help build connections.   

Department-wide Statistics

Total Calls for Service (CFS):  2,723.  YTD (through 9/28):  997,931.

 Source of calls:

Patrol Operations Division 

Notable Incidents

Directed Action Response Team (DART)

Code Enforcement: 


Crime Impact Team (CIT)

Weekly Stats: 

CIT conducted a crime suppression operation in the Wilshire corridor area resulting in the following:

Several community engagement contacts at local businesses on Wilshire Blvd.

CIT and DART conducted a second crime suppression operation in the Wilshire corridor. The following is a recap of the activity:

Assisted with a radio call for a hot prowl

CIT, SPU, and CID plain clothes detectives conducted a burglary suppression operation within Beat 4 resulting in the following:

Notable Incidents:

Homeless Liaison Program (HLP) Team

HLP Team Stats

DMH/HLP Clinician Stats

Community Affairs Unit (CAU)

NROs for Beats 3 and 4 have been working their way along the Wilshire Corridor from the 800 Block eastbound contacting business owners and employees, exchanging contact information, and leaving doorway stickers for posting.  

CAU staff assisted in facilitating a commercial retailers meeting promoting the S.M.A.R.T Center.

NRO Wang and CPC Barreto attended the California Crime Prevention Officers Association annual training conference.

Beat 1 – NRO Hollowell with CPC Lockwood

Beat 2 – NRO Navarro with CPC Barreto

Beat 3 – NRO Galvan with CPC Barreto

Beat 4 – NRO Wang with CPC Lockwood

Authored By

Erika Aklufi


Programs, Safety