Updates and Information on Addressing Homelessness for Our Community

March 21, 2022 12:04 PM
by Margaret Willis

This article was featured in the March 2022 edition of Seascape. Read the entire edition in English and Spanish.

The number of people identified as homeless has reached unprecedented levels, a result of a lack of affordable housing, unemployment, poverty, mental illness, and substance abuse. One in every 3.5 homeless individuals in this country lives in California, and one in every 2.5 of those live in Los Angeles County. It is truly a statewide and regional crisis. While Santa Monica has seen a smaller increase in homelessness than neighboring regions, the impacts of those struggling to live on our streets are felt by everyone.

In response, Santa Monica has deployed outreach teams that assess individuals experiencing homelessness and connect them to services and shelter, built affordable housing, and funded local non-profits to deliver services, all with the ultimate goal towards attaining permanent housing.

Recent Progress:

  • Over 16,700 contacts with people experiencing homelessness
  • Over 230 people connected to temporary interim housing and 45 people connected to permanent housing
  • 134 new permanent affordable housing units opened in Santa Monica since 2020
  • Over $25 million in rental assistance received by over 1,600 Santa Monica households impacted by COVID-19
  • Who is experiencing homelessness in LA County?
    The 2020 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count indicated the following:

  • 580,466: People experiencing homelessness in the US
  • 161,548: People experiencing homelessness in California
  • 66,000: People experiencing homelessness across Los Angeles County
  • 907: People experiencing homelessness in Santa Monica
  • 601: The number of people out of the 907 identified as unsheltered in Santa Monica
  • People experiencing homelessness in LA County in 2020:

  • 27% have a substance use disorder,
  • 25% have a serious mental illness, and
  • 41% have both a substance use disorder and a serious mental illness.
  • There are two primary systemic issues that must be addressed when considering homelessness: housing availability and access to healthcare.

    As of April 2021, there were 7,042 individuals waiting for permanent housing on the Westside, according to LAHSA. LAHSA also states that in order for the homeless services system to work effectively, there needs to be a 5:1 ratio (five permanent housing resources for every temporary shelter bed). Currently, LA County is operating on a 1:1 ratio, resulting in people waiting several months to years before attaining permanent housing. In 2019, LAHSA estimated that, on a daily basis, an average of 133 people were placed in housing while 150 people lost their homes.

    In Santa Monica, we have a two-pronged approach to address this issue. First, we aim to prevent housed Santa Monica residents from becoming un-housed, and second, we work to increase affordable housing opportunities city-wide.

    Surveys of unsheltered people indicate there’s an urgent need for a holistic approach to mental and physical healthcare across LA County. Santa Monica is currently developing strategies that increase access to healthcare for people that need it. Recent efforts, such as the Community Response Unit have been deployed to help address these critical needs — there are more details of what these programs entail in the following sections.
    Sources: HUD.gov, US Interagency Council on Homelessness, and Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)

    What are the results of these efforts to address homelessness?
    Our numerous outreach programs coupled with county- and city-funded efforts are making a difference in providing that immediate and consistent engagement as well as connection to services, treatment, and housing, and at the same time, we recognize that the regional challenge is significant. The following are the results of our work:

  • In 2021, three City-funded multidisciplinary teams made more than 11,000 contacts with people experiencing homelessness and provided direct medical or psychiatric services to 808 participants. In addition, public safety personnel and Downtown Santa Monica Ambassadors made over 5,700 contacts with people experiencing homelessness. Note: One person may have received multiple contacts over the course of a month or year with the intent to connect individuals to temporary or permanent housing or services, for example.
  • 237 people were served in local interim housing programs and 45 participants were connected to permanent housing.
  • The Santa Monica Housing Authority supports 1,600 low-income households with vouchers for permanent housing. 104 new housing vouchers were secured from the federal government and will help move people out of local shelters and into permanent housing, and we recently celebrated the first person housed using these vouchers! We still need Santa Monica apartments to help end homelessness. If you have an apartment available, please email EHV@santamonica.gov for more information.
  • 640 households impacted by COVID-19 received assistance through the Santa Monica Emergency Rental Assistance Program. 2,700 households applied for the CA COVID-19 Rental Relief Program and received over $25 million in relief so far.
  • 134 New Affordable Housing Units opened and helped increase available affordable housing including 39 new apartments for seniors 62+ at Magnolia Village.
  • 1,155 households benefited from homeless prevention programs like legal aid, flex funds, and financial support to seniors to ensure households remain housed. Efforts include approximately $80,000 provided to 45 households for move-in costs, rental assistance, and other interventions to secure and retain housing through City Flex Funds, 590 Santa Monica residents benefited from legal assistance, and 120 graduates of the Homeless Community Court gained permanent housing. 400 low-income seniors received cash assistance to covers basic expenses like food, groceries, and healthcare.
  • 485 formerly homeless Santa Monica residents received services like case management to support individuals with staying in their homes.
  • Funding has been secured and operations have been established for two 24/7 therapeutic vans that will be deployed in Spring 2022 in partnership with the LA County Department of Mental Health expanding our ability to provide services to meet the specific needs of people in a mental health crisis in real-time. It is not exclusively for people experiencing homelessness and will be a resource used across the entire community.
  • To stay informed, visit santamonica.gov/topic-explainers/homelessness

    Please contact the following services for various situations:

  • 9-1-1: If someone is experiencing a medical emergency or if there’s an immediate threat to someone’s life or safety.
  • 2-1-1 or LA-HOP.org: Submit a request for homeless outreach assistance using the LA Homeless Outreach Portal.
  • (800) 854-7771: Contact the Department of Mental Health number if someone is experiencing a psychiatric/mental health crisis.
  • (310) 458-8491: For non-emergency police response in Santa Monica.
  • 3-1-1 or 311@santamonica.gov: Submit a Santa Monica specific request for service like trash pickup.
  • Authored By

    Margaret Willis