Families Welcome with Miry's List
Families Welcome brings together our local communities around the important and joyful message that LA and the Annenberg Community Beach House is a place for everyone. In community with resettling Angelenos and the Miry's List team, we offer a multi-sensory experience for learning about welcoming newcomers, with a connective thread that everybody knows what it feels like to be new somewhere, and we have a beautiful opportunity to jump in, be curious, and connect as friends. Together, we will find a place for everyone.
GET INVOLVED: Participating together to build a culture of welcome: All-ages volunteer activities in our outdoor courtyard, including tables for writing welcome letters and art, and making friendship bracelets. Step-by-step letter writing guides provided. We’ll also set up a family portrait studio setup to document the moments and time together with photos to be shared after the event.
FOOD IS LOVE IN ACTION: Join us for Afghan snacks, desserts and tea for on a adventure through flavors and culture. Delicacies prepared by Aqila Asghary, a resettling chef from Afghanistan, now residing in Los Angeles with her husband and four children.