Planning Commission
Wednesday, Jan 21, 2026
6:00 PM until concluded
City Council Chambers
Established in 1946, the Planning Commission envisions Santa Monica as a city of wellbeing, sustainability, and equity, and seeks to balance the many needs and priorities within our community in accordance with the City’s General Plan and Specific Plans. The Commission acts through open and civil discourse that is informed by public input, impartial analysis, and best practices in land use and planning. Responsibilities include:
- After a public hearing thereon, recommend to the City Council the adoption, amendment or repeal of the Master Plan, or any part thereof, for the physical development of the City
- Exercise such control over land subdivisions as is granted to it by the governing body of the City and by the laws of the State of California
- Make recommendations concerning proposed public works and for the clearance and rebuilding of blighted or substandard areas within the City
- Exercise such functions with respect to zoning as may be prescribed by ordinance
The Planning Commission meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, California