4th Annual Tomato Tasting Competition
Saturday, Aug 19, 2023
9:00 AM - 11:01 AM
Calling all maters !!! Bring your Black Krims, your Sun Golds, your Green Zebra or your Purple Cherokee. Bring your Big Rainbows, Amish Paste, and Mortgage Lifters for all to see.
Do you have what it takes to earn the title of "Best Tomato in Santa Monica" ??
Unlimited entries, and open to all residents. All tomatoes must be registered by 9:30 AM. Judging will begin at 10:00 AM
Don't grow tomatoes? Join us anyway for sweet and savory pancakes, a tour of the garden, or serve as an unbiased, honorary judge.
Free to the public, no RSVP's needed. We are going zero waste, so please bring your cup, plate and utensils. We'll have a washing station nearby.