Foster a Data Culture

Develop and implement a data training curriculum to impart data literacy and baseline data knowledge

The City’s Data Academy is an internal training program that aims to improve staff understanding and use of data. The Academy curriculum was developed and is taught by City staff. Current topics covered include: data basics, data analysis, and data visualization. Create a culture and mindset for data analysis/application to enable insight and knowledge in support of improved services.


% student reporting as very satisfied in post course survey

The Data Academy is governed by the Santa Monica Institute (SMI), the City's internal learning and professional development program. All SMI courses include a post-course assessment survey in which participants rate their overall satisfaction for a course. This metric is derived by calculating the percent of all students giving an average rating of 4.5 (out of 5) or higher for a given time period.

Time period Metric Value
July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
July 1, 2019 - September 30, 2019 96%
October 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019 88%
January 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020 100%

% increase in data literacy measured based on pre and post curriculum assessments 

The Data Academy aims to improve data literacy throughout the organization. Pre and post curriculum assessments will be developed in future years to provide objective measures of curriculum efficacy. 

Develop a catalog of data assets that allow staff to make informed decisions and provide better services.

The goals for the data catalog are to formalize the manner in which departments request data from one-another, and, to increase knowledge creation by proliferating data to enable self-service and discovery. The City maintains a large application portfolio, and to obtain data from any one system, City staff must currently seek out subject matter experts for the given system and rely upon static reports to fulfill data requests. The City is formalizing and systemitizing the data request process. If data is appropriate for sharing, the output of the data request will be made available to other City staff via an open, accessible, and well-documented data catalog.

This goal is a year 3 goal and information pertaining to its progress will be available in the future. 


# of page views for data catalog (year 3)

Measures the amount of times City staff have accessed the data catalog to view and/or download data. From 7/1/21-6/30/22, the number of page views was 115,0000.

# of new dataset requests (year 3)

Measures the amount of new dataset requests by City staff. A steady stream of new datasets requests indicates overall interest in data sharing across the organization.  The number of new data sets is 40.