Single Weekend Farmers Market Begins Saturday, April 18
April 14, 2020 10:15 AM
SANTA MONICA, Calif. – The Santa Monica Farmers Markets will temporarily shift all weekend markets (Saturday Pico Farmers Market at Virginia Avenue Park, Saturday Downtown Santa Monica Farmers Market and Sunday Main Street Farmers Market) into one larger, Saturday market at the current downtown farmers market location (Arizona Avenue between 4th Street and Ocean Avenue) for the duration of the County and State Stay at Home Orders.
The consolidated Farmers Market plans to be open on Saturday, April 18, to allow access to essential groceries like fresh produce and to continue offering CalFresh/EBT and Market Match for qualified shoppers. The market's continuation of service also minimizes economic impacts to participating farmers, so they remain able to serve the market community in the months and years to come.
“We know so many of our community relies on our outdoor markets for their groceries,” said City Manager and Emergency Operations Director Rick Cole. “Consolidating our weekend markets into one weekend market, we are able to focus our resources to best serve customers, our local farmers, while operating our Farmers Market under similar conditions to indoor food markets, requiring all customers to wear a face covering to enter the market and following appropriate physical distancing guidelines.”
If attending the Downtown Farmers Market, all customers, vendors and staff are required to wear protective face covering in accordance with LA County Department of Public Health guidelines. To access the Downtown Farmers Market, please enter on 2nd Street or Arizona Avenue at 3rd Court. Below are additional safety guidelines to follow if attending the market:
- Customers are requested to shop at the market only for essential food needs.
- Do not come to the market if ill.
- Consider coordinating with neighbors to send one person to purchase items for multiple individuals or families, especially those who are over the age of 65, have underlying health conditions, or are pregnant.
- Limit your time in the market to under 30 minutes, essential shopping only. Do not linger or socialize in the market. Please shop and exit.
- Practice safe physical distancing – stay six feet apart.
- Wash your hands thoroughly and often.
- Please allow only the vendors to handle produce.
- To limit exposure, the Farmers Market strongly recommends exploring alternative ways farmers are selling their food (pre-order options, CSA boxes, shipping, and more):
The Downtown Farmers Market on Wednesdays from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. continues operation as planned with no schedule changes due to the County and State Stay at Home Orders.
For information on COVID-19 in Santa Monica, visit or call the City of Santa Monica’s coronavirus hotline: (310) 458-8400. Get Santa Monica emergency alerts by texting SMCOVID to 888-777 and sign up for daily COVID-19 updates at
Media Contact
Miranda Iglesias
Public Information Coordinator