Preferential Parking Restrictions for Beach Zone 3 Effective May 22
May 15, 2020 1:42 PM

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Today, Interim City Manager and Director of Emergency Services Lane Dilg issued a fifteenth supplement to Santa Monica’s local emergency, authorizing the enforcement of preferential parking rules in Zone 3 beginning May 22, 2020. Preferential parking rules in other zones remain suspended through the length of the local emergency, which is currently effective through June 30, 2020.
Santa Monica Police Department will begin citing for parking violations May 22 and will begin issuing warnings this weekend. For more information about what streets Zone 3 includes, please reference Santa Monica’s preferential parking map. On May 22, enforcement will begin at Main Street Lot 11 (170 Hollister) and will no longer allow the storage of residential cars.
Additionally, street sweeping will resume in all zones beginning June 1, 2020, once per month. Residents are encouraged to comply with posted signs for parking prohibitions for street sweeping during the days and times indicated, but only during the first full week of each month. Citations for parking violations based on street sweeping remain suspended.
For the latest information, please visit, or call the City’s Coronavirus Hotline at (310) 458-8400.
Fifteenth supplemental order >
Media Contact
Constance Farrell
Communications & Public Information Manager