Event Bin Rentals and Services

Planning an event in Santa Monica? The City provides event recycling, compost, and trash collection services to ensure maximum participation in recycling programs at your event.

Please note the City is unable to provide hauling services to any event with 1,500 or more attendees. These events need to use a private hauler, review list of City approved private haulers here.

Community events with 150 people or more (as defined in Code 4.68.040) operating in Santa Monica need to go through the special events permitting process and submit a completed Zero Waste Plan to the Resource Recovery & Recycling Division for Approval.

Refundable Deposit

Depending on the size and type of event the City of Santa Monica may require a refundable deposit to cover any unexpected fees due to cleanup or damage. This is required for events using City services or private haulers. Deposit may not be required at some City venues that collect a deposit already (such as the Peir and Barker Hanger). Please see the fee table below.

Services and Fees

The City of Santa Monica offers a variety of containers to collect materials generated by your event. City staff will help event planners estimate the appropriate number and type of containers needed to ensure they are in compliance with the City’s Mandatory Recycling Ordinance.

Please note that ordering event hauling services from the City results in an event coordination fee of $306.73 in addition to the cost of the container rental. Payment for all services must be made no less than two weeks prior to event. Failure to do so will result in requiring the use of a City approved private hauler.

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