How to Obtain a Performer Permit

Per Santa Monica Municipal Code Chapter 6.112.010, the City of Santa Monica believes that street performers enhance the character of the City, but that gathered crowds can cause serious safety problems and impact the abilities of personnel and pedestrians to navigate. The Chapter was written to balance the rights of First Amendment activities for street performers with the safety of the performers, their audience, local businesses, and the general public. It includes time, place, and manner restrictions in regards to public performances. 

A performer permit is required when performing on the Third Street Promenade, Pier, and Transit Mall unless the performance occurs prior to 12 noon on non-holiday Mondays through Fridays.

Continue the Process:

How to apply via email.

  1. Review Applicable Laws and Regulations

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    Review and familiarize yourself with the Santa Monica Municipal Code Chapters 6.1126.116 and 3.74.010 related to Street Performing and Special Regulations on the Pier and the Promenade.

  2. Email Your Completed Application

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    Email us at with the following attachments:

    • Completed Performer Permit Application
    • Two identical passport-type photographs (approximately 2 inches square) clearly showing the performer's face with no hat or sunglasses.
      • Photos must show the performer's face from the front. Photos showing the performer's face in profile cannot be used.
      • ID photos are not used for this purpose.
      • Permits cannot be created without a photo.

    • Current photo ID such as a driver's license or state ID card, passport, or student ID.
    • For performers under the age of 16 only, a California Entertainment Work Permit is required.
  3. Submit Payment

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    Once the application is processed by the Business License unit, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay the permit fee.

  4. Wait for Your Permit

    + -

    Once payment is received, we will mail your permit to the mailing address on file. You will receive an email letting you know the day the permit was mailed.

How to apply in person.

  1. Review Applicable Laws and Regulations

    + -

    Review and familiarize yourself with the Santa Monica Municipal Code Chapters 6.1126.116 and 3.74.010 related to Street Performing and Special Regulations on the Pier and the Promenade.

  2. Complete Your Application

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    A complete application will be comprised of:

    • Completed Performer Permit Application
    • Two identical passport-type photographs (approximately 2 inches square) clearly showing the performer's face with no hat or sunglasses.
        • Photos must show the performer's face from the front. Photos showing the performer's face in profile cannot be used.
        • ID photos are not used for this purpose.
        • Permits cannot be created without a photo.
    • One photo that meets the above requirements may be submitted via email at
    • Current photo ID such as a driver's license or state ID card, passport, or student ID.
    • Payment in the amount of $37.00 (cash, debit, or credit).
    • For performers under the age of 16 only, a California Entertainment Work Permit is required.
  3. Submit Application

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    Bring your completed application and supplemental documentation to the Business License office located at:

    City of Santa Monica  

    City Hall East 

    1685 Main Street 

    Santa Monica, CA 90401 

  4. Wait for Your Permit

    + -

    Once the above process is complete, we will mail your permit to the mailing address on file.

Contact Us: