How to Submit a Special Event Permit with the Fire Department
The Fire Prevention Division issues temporary Special Event Permits and establishes conditions to ensure public safety at large public gatherings, such as charity events, outdoor cooking, trade shows, and high profile events.
If you plan to use a public space for your next event, the Community Services Department is where to find information to understand the City's permitting process. In addition to the Fire Department and Community Services, you may be required to obtain permits from other departments and divisions. This may include, but is not limited to Building and Safety, Police and the Santa Monica Airport.
*Please Note, depending on expected attendance, event location and other factors, an on-site Fire Safety Officer (FSO) will be needed. Some common factors for an FSO requirement:
- Barker Hanger events with more than 299 people.
- Generator greater than 6.500k watts.
- Significant Change of Use.
- Tents with 500 or more people.
Please follow the link How To Request a Fire Safety Officer for instructions.
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Continue the Process:
Review FAQ's
+ -Before getting started take a moment to familiarize yourself with our frequently asked questions.
Special Event Fire Permit Application
+ -Please submit your completed application by emailing the Fire Prevention Division, sm.fireprevention@santamonica.gov for review and approval. Applications must be submitted at least 7 business days in advance of the event to ensure sufficient time for review and processing. Please allow a minimum of at least 2-3 days for your application to be reviewed and approved.
+ -All applicable fees must be paid before a permit will be issued. Santa Monica Fire accepts checks in-person, or by regular mail. Payments by check should be remitted to the City of Santa Monica - Fire Department mailing address below. Upon receiving your invoice and record number payment by credit card can be completed on-line here.
Fire Prevention Attn: Permits
Santa Monica Fire
333 W. Olympic Dr., 2nd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Review FAQ's
+ -Before getting started take a moment to familiarize yourself with our frequently asked questions.
Fire Prevention Offices
+ -Please bring your completed application to the address below for review. Applications must be submitted 5 business days in advance of the event to ensure sufficient time for review and processing. Please allow a minimum of 2-3 days for your application to be reviewed and approved.
Santa Monica Fire
333 W. Olympic Dr., 2nd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90401Drop off: Monday-Thursday & City Hall Open Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
+ -All applicable fees must be paid before a permit will be issued. Santa Monica Fire accepts checks in-person, or by regular mail. Payments by check should be remitted to the City of Santa Monica - Fire Department mailing address below. Upon receiving your invoice and record number payment by credit card can be completed on-line here.
Fire Prevention Attn: Permits
Santa Monica Fire
333 W. Olympic Dr., 2nd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Review FAQ's
+ -Before getting started take a moment to familiarize yourself with our frequently asked questions.
Special Event Fire Permit Application
+ -Please submit your completed application by email to sm.fireprevention@santamonica.gov, for review and approval. Applications must be submitted at least 7 business days in advance of the event to ensure sufficient time for review and processing. Please allow a minimum of 2-3 days for your application to be reviewed and approved.
+ -All applicable fees must be paid before a permit will be issued. Santa Monica Fire accepts checks in-person, or by regular mail. Payments by check should be remitted to the City of Santa Monica - Fire Department mailing address below. Upon receiving your invoice and record number payment by credit card can be completed online here.
Fire Prevention Attn: Permits
Santa Monica Fire
333 W. Olympic Dr., 2nd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90401