City Launches New Section of Focused on Economic Recovery and Community Resources

May 19, 2020 6:07 PM

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Today, the City of Santa Monica launched a new Economic Recovery section on its website featuring a community survey and “Santa Monica Cares” business toolkit to aid the community with restarting the economy after the devastating impacts of COVID-19.  The new web pages will serve as a hub for community and business-related information throughout the Santa Monica recovery effort. It includes tools for business development, financial assistance, government relief, and ways to help. A new survey—available in English and Spanish—is gathering information from residents, workers, local businesses, and community organizations on how Santa Monica has been impacted and ideas people want to share for aiding the recovery effort. The City encourages the entire community to participate in the survey to help identify the most urgent needs.    

“Santa Monica Cares” outreach materials are being made available to businesses as well, beginning with the business toolkit that was developed in partnership with community organizations. The toolkit can be downloaded for free and provides local businesses with signage that address immediate health and safety guidelines to aid in a successful reopening.  As the County begins to lift orders and reopening efforts expand, additional outreach resources for the community to Buy Local and support Santa Monica businesses will be developed and shared. 

The economic recovery work effort includes City Council approval of zoning changes to expedite business recovery citywide. Changes affect existing businesses in the Third Street Promenade and the major commercial districts in the city, and include modifications that: 

“The entire City is focused on supporting Santa Monica through the devastating economic impacts of COVID-19. I am confident that we will build a bright future with so many talented community members, non-profits, and businesses involved in this recovery effort,” said Interim City Manager and Director of Emergency Services Lane Dilg. 

The work towards economic recovery is spearheaded by the City’s Economic Recovery Task Force, comprised of a team of City staff across relevant departments. This City team is dedicated to collecting, vetting, and advancing the best ideas in all five identified focus areas:  

The team is designed to take quick, decisive action to move key items forward in partnership with subject matter experts and the community. Recommendations from the City staff Task Force will be built upon the ideas, analysis, as well as expertise of business and resident partners. Many action items will require a public process and Council approval. There will be several additional opportunities for resident and community involvement, including town hall sessions and other virtual meetings to generate and vet ideas.  

For the latest information, please visit or call the City’s Coronavirus Hotline at (310) 458-8400.  Register for SaMoNews, the City’s email newsletter at get involved and receive updates on all of the Santa Monica’s economic recovery efforts.


Media Contact

Constance Farrell
Communications & Public Information Manager


City Manager's Office