Sustainable Community Involvement
How are we doing?
The City of Santa Monica host a number of events throughout the year to educate and raise awareness about different topics related to sustainability. In partnership with Sustainable Works, the City has hosted film screenings, panel discussions, workshops, award ceremonies, mixers, and expos.
The City's film screening series has been popular with up to four screenings a year. This year's screenings included The Ants and The Grasshopper, Eating Our Way to Extinction, and The Story of Plastic. The City also facilitates a Student Poster Contest with a sustainability theme for grades K-12 Santa Monica students. With over 600 entries, this year's Student Poster Contest theme was "Do your part, be water smart" to spread awareness about the importance of water conservation.
Sustainable Works manages a Student Greening Program that combines hands-on real-world experiences with topic-based group workshops to create an all-encompassing educational experience for students interested in sustainability. Throughout the eight sessions, students explore issues and solutions related to key sustainability-related topics including water, energy, waste/shopping, chemicals, transportation and food. Topics are explored through a mixture of group discussions, interactive games and activities, presentations, show-and-tell items, and field-trips.
The City works to increase awareness about sustainability and how the community can take action. Participation over the years has remained steady. In 2020, in-person events were on hold to follow COVID safety protocols. Community sustainable programs continued in a virtual setting and attendance continues steadily. Virtual events can be more accessible. However, it is difficult to measure the number of attendees accurately, as multiple people can be tuning in through a single household login.
Community Sustainability Programs
This indicator measures the number of attendees at City community sustainability events.
Student Greening Program
This indicator measures the number of students participating in the Student Greening Program at Santa Monica College. Even though the City no longer funds this program, the program continues educating students about green lifestyles at Santa Monica College and facilitated by Sustainable Works.
How to get involved?
Stay informed about upcoming events and programs by signing up for the Sustainable SaMo monthly newsletter
More information about the Student Greening Program