Community Garden
How are we doing?
The City of Santa Monica currently operates four community gardens throughout the community: Euclid Park, Park Drive, Main Street, and Ishihara Park Learning Garden. The City issues annual permits for garden plots at four gardens: Euclid, Park, Main and Marine. Because the waittime for a garden plot can be lengthy, the City opened a learning garden at Ishihara Park in 2017. Permits are not issued for Ishihara Park community garden and members of the community are welcomed to come garden and volunteer.
The City developed the next learning garden at Marine Park and opened in 2022. Similar to Ishihara Park, this garden will be open to the public, but there are also permitted plots at Marine Park garden. Learning gardens allow the City to increase the number of participants who want to garden and grow plants and food. Since the launch of Ishihara Park, the number of participants in community garden programs has increase significantly. The City also host events throughout the years to engage with the community. Community members can volunteer at the gardens or attend one of several educational workshops about urban agriculture. Additionally, the City has been able to grow an abundance of fresh produce for the community and donate to local organizations in need.
The City recognizes the importance of growing food locally and the value of community gardens in the community. The City is always looking for new opportunities to expand the City's community garden programs to increase the number of community members who benefit from garden programs.
Garden Participants
This chart reflects the number of participants in the City's community garden programs, including permit holders, volunteers, and event attendees. Previously, the City was only measuring permit holders. Beginning in 2022, the City is measuring the additional participants since the installation of Ishihara Park Learning Garden that allows participation without a permit.
Food Donations
This chart shows the number of pounds of food donated to local organizations in need from the food produced at the City's community gardens. While food was donated prior to 2022, this indicator is new to the Sustainable City Plan.
How can I get involved?
- Join the Community Garden waitlist for a plot
- Volunteer at a public community garden
- Attend a community garden event (Subscribe to Sustainable SaMo to stay informed)
- Growing food in your backyard, patio, balcony is always a great way to reduce your environmental foodprint