Zero Emission Delivery Zone
Santa Monica partnered with the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) to launch the country's first Zero Emission Delivery Zone (ZEDZ) Pilot. The pilot ran through December 2022 and incentivized clean, electric delivery vehicles by offering priority curb space in a one-square mile test zone in Downton Santa Monica and along Main Street. The program tested the deployment, implementation, and utilization of various types of light-duty zero emission transportation technologies (like personal delivery devices, electric cargo bikes, and light electric trucks) and supportive charging infrastructure, as well as curb access and policy incentive strategies.
The goals of the ZEDZ included:
- Provide a blueprint for cities to adopt zero emissions delivery zones and provide best practices for other zero emissions zones
- Deliver ahead of the curve learnings to delivery companies for zero emission delivery zone operations by working hand in hand with the project implementation team.
- Create benefits to the local community such as reduced air pollution, GHG emissions, noise and congestion, as well as improved safety.
- Offer economic opportunity to small businesses and individuals through access to zone benefit
Why a Zero-Emissions Delivery Zone
The rise in deliveries, from e-commerce to food deliveries, has meant more congestion and pollution from delivery vehicles on the road. In April 2020, The City of Santa Monica was selected by LACI to participate as the host community for the ZEDZ Pilot Program. This program was designed by the Transportation Electrification Partnership (TEP) to create a scalable model for electrifying light- and medium-duty deliveries in urban areas. The program aligns with the City’s goal to reduce pollution and congestion from the transportation sector, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions as outlined in the Council-adopted Climate Action & Adaptation Plan and EV Action Plan.
How it Works
The City created dedicated Zero Emission Vehicle Loading Zones throughout one-square mile pilot area. The parking spaces are marked by signage and are monitored by video cameras that track how the spaces are being used. Any zero emission (in most cases, electric) vehicle is eligible to park there for the 10-minute posted time period to make a delivery or pick-up.