Santa Monica Continues Support to Local Businesses
December 14, 2021 12:15 PM
by David White

Since moving to Santa Monica last fall, I have enjoyed our community’s vibrant, local businesses. We are fortunate to have so many dedicated small business owners who shape our community’s character, and I am proud of the work that we are doing to support our business community throughout the pandemic. Daily, the City deploys hardworking employees that are focused on City Council’s priority of ensuring a Clean and Safe Santa Monica. Even as COVID-19 cases decline, the City will continue to support Santa Monica businesses as part of our goal of achieving an Equitable and Inclusive Economic Recovery. Here are some ways Santa Monica is actively helping our business community right now:
- Celebrating New Santa Monica Businesses: In collaboration with the Business Improvement Districts, Santa Monica is welcoming and highlighting new businesses in Santa Monica through various communication channels. Follow @buylocalsm and @cityofsantamonica. If you know of a new business you want us to help celebrate, please tell us @BuyLocalSM.
- More Free PPE for Local Businesses: 120 new appointments have been added to giveaway free masks and hand sanitizer due to high demand. Available while supplies last. Register here: Once Santa Monica appointments are full, visit for more LA area pickup options.
- Outdoor Dining and Retail: City Council approved extending fee waivers for temporary use permits for outdoor dining and retail activations, including sidewalk dining, parklets, and the Promenade satellite dining through June 30, 2022. To apply for a free permit, visit
- Santa Monica’s Most Loved Businesses: Join us in selecting Santa Monica's Most Loved Businesses. The top 5 nominated businesses in each category will be finalists and move on to the voting phase (March 14-31). Plan to vote for your most loved business at, and remember that $7 out of every $10 spent locally, stays local.
- Black Owned Businesses: We love supporting entrepreneurs throughout the City. Check out our features of Black Owned Businesses at
- Commercial Kitchen at Virginia Avenue Park: We’re also nurturing local entrepreneurship with the funding and construction of a commercial kitchen. $640,000 in funding has been secured from public and private sources, the architect has been onboarded, and pre-work is beginning now.
- COVID-19 Business Signage: We have distributed at least 8,000 signs throughout the pandemic to local businesses. We have also newly installed temporary signage to encourage daily beach visitors to enjoy our restaurants and shopping. If you need COVID-19 signage specific to Santa Monica, you can find it here:
- Reactivated Business Liaison and Health Ambassadors: The City of Santa Monica’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has reactivated a business liaison for any businesses that have COVID-19 related questions. In addition, the EOC continues to deploy Health Ambassadors to help businesses and the community follow COVID-19 guidelines. Have a question? Email us at or call 3-1-1 within Santa Monica.
- 2022 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave: Employees who work for employers with 26 or more employees are entitled to up to 80 hours of 2022 COVID-19 related paid sick leave from January 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022, immediately upon an oral or written request to their employer, with up to 40 of those hours available only when an employee or family member tests positive for COVID-19. More info:
- Small Business Resources Webinar: On March 18, the City of Santa Monica in collaboration with the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce hosted a webinar featuring resources for small businesses. Watch the webinar here.
Subscribe to Weekly Business Emails: (select “BUSINESS”)
Questions? or 3-1-1
Business Special Submissions:
If you have a special or seasonal offering submit it, and it will be featured on our Santa Monica Shines landing page for free:
Community Safety Resources:
If you find that you’re having any issues regarding safety or trespassing at your business, here are a couple of resources to help you out:
Santa Monica Police Dept – No Trespassing Authorization (to help address issues with homeless or other unwanted activity taking place in shopfronts and on business premises):
Business Watch and Free SMPD Crime Prevention Safety Audits for Businesses- Contact your designated SMPD Neighborhood Resource Officer (more info here; :
COVID Testing in Santa Monica:
Santa Monica has a free testing site at Clover Park open 7 days 8am.-4 p.m.:
California Business Comeback Guide:
Provided by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic development, this guide links to valuable resources including state & federal grants, business development resources, and business newsletters for a variety of industries.
Funding Sources:
Periodic funding sources for local businesses have been identified by the State of California and LA County to fund basic expenses like rent, utilities, and more.
Outdoor Dining and Retail:
City Council approved extending fee waivers for temporary use permits for outdoor dining and retail activations, including sidewalk dining, parklets, and the Promenade satellite dining through June 30, 2022. To apply for a permit, visit
Hire Local:
Employers can submit job openings to our Hire Local Jobs Board and potential employees can apply for Santa Monica jobs: Positions are also included in a bi-weekly email list to over 900 recipients and shared on social media.
Economic Recovery:
From rental assistance to childcare, food insecurity to business grants, a recap of the latest economic recovery efforts happening in Santa Monica can be found here:
Pier Vending:
Buying from a Vendor in Santa Monica? Stay healthy and safe! Look for the V decal and County Health Permit to make sure a vendor is following food safety rules. Buying food and drinks from unpermitted vendors puts your health at risk. For info on our Pier vendors, click here. To apply for future Pier opportunities, click here. For all other Street Vending Opportunities (not on the Pier), click here.
Pepperdine Business Support:
Santa Monica partnered with the Straus Institute at Pepperdine University to provide pro bono mediation services. Learn more and request services here:
If you or your employees are in need of child care or you are a licensed child care provider, the City is promoting this vital economic resource:
New Recycling Law Starts January 1:
The State of California approved a new law that requires every person in the state to recycle organics into a green container beginning January 1st. By diverting organics into our green containers, NOT the black containers, we send this valuable reusable resource to a facility which turns it into compost and mulch to revitalize our landscapes and gardens or renewable energy to replace fossil fuel energy. To learn how to be compliant for this mandatory organics recycling law beginning January 1, visit
Free Signs:
While not required, the City has a surplus of “Keep Your Distance” floor stickers and “My Mask is for You, Your Mask is for Me” yard signs that may still be useful for particular business sectors. Signs are available for pickup at City Hall East during business hours. Reserve yours today at by contacting or 3-1-1.
City Service Requests:
Santa Monica’s 311 provides easy access to all non-emergency City services and information. Users can submit a request, ask a question, provide feedback, or report something by contacting or 3-1-1.
Business Support:
LA County Regional Small Business Development Center (El Camino College): | | (310) 225-8277
LA County Department of Public Health: | (888) 700-9995 |
LA County Economic Development Corporation: |
City of Santa Monica: |
Provide feedback, Submit a Request (i.e. Trash pick-up): 3-1-1 |
Building Permits: (310) 458-8355 |
Business License: (310) 458-8745
Treasury: (310) 458-8741
Buy Local Santa Monica Committee: |
Downtown Santa Monica, Inc.: | | (310) 393-8355
Main Street Business Improvement District:
Santa Monica Place: | (310) 260-8333
Montana Avenue Merchant’s Association: |
Pico Improvement Organization:
Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce: | (310) 393-9825 |
Santa Monica Pier Corporation: | (310) 458-8901
Santa Monica Travel & Tourism: | 310-319-6263 |
Sustainable Works: |
Authored By
David White
City Manager
Business, Business Programs, Get Started, Licenses And Permits