Learning to Ride in Santa Monica
September 24, 2019 9:45 AM
by Cory Keen

During SMMUSD Spring and Summer break, hundreds of CREST after school enrichment program students took part in Bike Skills Safety Training, as well as group rides from the City’s Bike Campus to the Annenberg Community Beach House.
Students learned how to properly fit their helmets, the “ABC Quick Check”, rules of the road, and key tips for keeping themselves and others safe. Once the training at the City’s Bike Campus was complete, the children were led by Santa Monica Spoke (a local Bike Advocacy group) on a group ride down the beach bike path to the Annenberg Community Beach House and back. Active Transportation Program (ATP) grants funded the special training. Similar training is also conducted at SMMUSD Elementary School Fall Festivals, COAST, Health and Wellbeing Festival, and more.
In 2016, the City’s Safe Routes to School program introduced a Golden Sneaker award and custom-made trophy to complement the biannual Bike It! Walk It! celebration. Schools compete for the Golden Sneaker by encouraging students to walk, ride their bikes or the bus, and/or skateboard/scooter to school. The Golden Sneaker goes to the school with the highest percentage of students who participate.
The Golden Sneaker Trophy was previously displayed in the main office of McKinley Elementary for the last five Bike It! Walk It! events.
Since October 2018, it’s been in the hands of Grant Elementary, which has had the highest percentage of students utilizing active transportation options to get to school. Bike It! Walk It! week was celebrated in May and is coming again in October, coinciding with National Bike and Walk to School Days. For more information, call 310.458.2201 ext. 2120, e-mail cory.keen@smgov.net or visit santamonicasaferoutes.org.
Authored By
Cory Keen
Transportation Management Specialist