North Beach Trail Project Moves to Next Phase in Early November
October 30, 2019 5:30 PM
by Judith Meister

The North Beach Trail Project is ahead of schedule and construction activities will begin as early as November 1 south of the Santa Monica Pier from Bay Street to Muscle Beachas early as November 1 (see map above for approximate location).
The work planned for this section is the addition of a 12-foot pedestrian path adjacent to the existing 20- foot bike path. The pedestrian path, that currently ends at Bay Street, will continue the seaward alignment of the separated path from the southern City limit. Trail construction will be completed in sections to minimize disruptions to the community. Muscle Beach and businesses along Ocean Front Walk will remain open during construction.
Construction is moving more quickly than expected, partially due to additional construction crews completing several sections of Phase I simultaneously. While this may result in more detours initially, it will shorten the disruption time caused by construction. The construction team expects completion of Phase I by January 2020.
Snapshot of construction moving south towards the Santa Monica Pier.
Pictured above is freshly-poured concrete on the new path.
As construction progresses, sections of the path will be closed intermittently. A temporary route will divert bicyclists and pedestrians around the construction areas and return them to the existing path. For the interest of safety, please remember that bikes must be dismounted and walked while on the temporary path. Signs are posted to assist the public in safely maneuvering around the project areas.
Authored By
Judith Meister
Beach Manager