Santa Monica launches Phase 2 of Airport Conversion Project
September 19, 2024 2:34 PM
by Amber Richane
The process to shape the future of the Santa Monica Airport site took another step forward this week, with the launch of the second phase of community outreach and engagement.
This marks the second out of five phases in a nearly two-year community engagement process with the Santa Monica community to shape a preferred scenario, centered on a great park, for the future of the Santa Monica Airport site.
The first phase took place this summer, involving the launch of a project website, survey, community engagement sessions, and a virtual training session.
During this time, more than 6,000 people visited the project website. The city received nearly 2,000 survey responses and more than 250 comment cards at community events, resulting in a total of 147 ideas and suggestions for the future of the airport site.
On Wednesday, Sept. 18, the city kicked off Phase 2 of the engagement effort, which is divided into two parts:
- Phase 2A: With help from the community, refine and prioritize the suggested uses
- Phase 2B: Draft and finalize guiding principles, to be presented to the City Council in January 2025
From now through Oct. 16, the community is invited to visit the project website, watch the new Virtual Training Session, and take a survey to help city staff understand what to prioritize from the long list created from Phase 1 engagement and help refine the options.
Interested community members are also invited to apply for a micro-grant to host a community listening session. More information on how to apply to come soon.
To learn more – or just say hi – please come to one of our pop-up tables at these community events:
- Locals’ Night, Sept. 19 from 4 – 7 p.m. at the Santa Monica Pier
- Pancakes in the Park, Sept. 21 from 9 – 11 a.m. at Ishihara Learning Garden
- Americana in the Park, Sept. 29 from 4 – 7 p.m. at Gandara Park
- Virginia Avenue Park Mini Fall Festival, Oct. 5 from 10 a.m. – 1 p. m. at Virgnia Avenue Park
The third phase of the project is set to launch in early 2025, during which three potential scenarios will be identified with another opportunity for community feedback. A final preferred scenario is expected to go to the City Council for approval in fall of 2025.
The preferred scenario, once approved by the City Council, will inform the environmental review process required by the California Environmental Quality Act. Implementation would begin after the airport operations end, anticipated on Dec. 31, 2028, as agreed upon with the Federal Aviation Administration in the 2017 Consent Decree.
Community members can email TheFutureofSMO@santamonica.gov with any questions about the community engagement process. Find more information here.
Authored By
Amber Richane
Principle Design and Planning Manager