Santa Monica Seeks Applicants for Performance Advisory Committee

September 3, 2019 1:48 PM
by Tim Dodd

In 2017, the City of Santa Monica started down the path of developing a cutting-edge performance management program designed to identify what we’re doing as a city, how well we’re doing it, and whether we’re achieving outcomes to help members of our community. Since that time, the City launched several performance management initiatives, including the Framework for a Sustainable City of Wellbeing (“Framework”), the City’s strategic visioning document which organizes work around the achievement of seven outcome areas. 

Additionally, the City launched performance-based budgeting to tie departmental programs with programmatic objectives; a citywide dashboard to show our efforts working to achieve outcomes; a training program which trained over 300 city employees in performance management; and action plans for each of the six Framework Priorities identified by Performance Advisory Committee. 

The City is now looking for six community members (residents, or those who work in Santa Monica or bring special expertise to the discussion) to serve alongside staff members on the Performance Advisory Committee.

Applicant Qualifications

Each of the six community members shall offer expertise and assistance through professional background, academic experience, and/or organizational affiliation in at least one of the six outward-facing Framework Outcome Areas: 





Place and Planet

Economic Opportunity

The Advisory Committee will meet quarterly and advise the City’s Chief Performance Officer on ways to continue to develop the Framework by recommending outcome metrics, targets, and reporting. Advisory Committee members will also serve as champions for performance management by working with the City to communicate the City’s performance management strategy with the community. 

Performance Advisory Committee Goals

Key Dates

If you are interested in applying to serve on the Performance Advisory Committee, apply here by Monday, September 23. All applications will be reviewed, and selected based on their qualifications.

September 23, 2019:  Deadline to submit an application

October 3, 2019:  Members appointed

End of October 2019: First committee meeting

To learn more about the City’s performance management efforts, visit Santa Monica’s Performance Management web page. If you have questions about applicant qualifications, what the committee will do or need more information about meetings, please contact Santa Monica’s Chief Performance Officer, Tim Dodd at

Authored By

Tim Dodd
Chief Performance Officer