The Blue Notebook - A Weekly SMPD Recap August 24-30, 2024

September 3, 2024 6:24 PM
by Erika Aklufi


POLICE DEPARTMENT statistics for the week

Patrol Operations Division - Notable Incidents

Homeless Liaison Program (HLP) Team

HLP Team Stats

Homeless Calls for Service Count: 602 incidents.

Department of Mental Health (DMH)/HLP Clinician Stats


·      A weekend monthly HLP overtime detail operation was conducted in several identified hotspots in the downtown area and throughout the city. The operation resulted in the following stats:

Throughout the week the “Sunrise” overtime detail was conducted along OFW by various sworn and professional staff. The focus of the detail is high-visibility and enforcement of encampment violations and addressing other quality of life issues. Park closure enforcement was also conducted. The weekly stats for the details are:

HLP Team Members along with city landscaping contractors conducted a city-wide cleanup operation. During the clean up a noticeable amount of trash had accumulated in a multi-person encampment along the 1500 block of PCH.

During the cleanup a subject who was in an encampment in 700 block of Palisades Park was advised of the violation. After being advised he became irate and began screaming and cursing. The subject subsequently punched a SMPD Patrol Vehicle causing a mirror to break. The subject was arrested for Vandalism, resisting arrest and public camping. The suspect caused approximately 700 dollars in damage and placed a patrol vehicle out of use for several days.

HLP Team Officers and DMH Clinician placed a subject on a 5150 mental health hold. D.D. was soiled in his own urine from head to toe and was observed walking aimlessly in the middle of Wilshire Blvd with no regard for oncoming traffic.

The HLP Team contacted a male subject in the 1400 block of 16th St. The subject stated he has been experiencing homelessness for several years and frequents the area of Downtown Los Angeles and Santa Monica. The male subject expressed interest in housing. The HLP Team referred the subject to Samoshel.

HLP Team members and DTSM collaborated to conduct a livability operation in the downtown district of Santa Monica. Salvation Army and Clare Matrix additionally assisted with officers in contacting several subjects and providing resources throughout the downtown district. Multiple subjects were provided resources, referred to SAMOSHEL, and educated on the municipal code violations enforced throughout the city. Enforcement was conducted to those in continuous violation of municipal codes.

During the operation, Salvation Army and team members encountered a male homeless subject near 6th Street and Santa Monica Blvd to offer him resources. While speaking with the subject officers conducted a check for wants and warrants. Team members discovered the subject had a warrant out for his arrest from SMPD for Indecent Exposure. He was placed under arrest and transported to SMPD jail for booking and processing.

1- Misdemeanor Arrest

2 - Citations

4 – Advised

1 – 5150 Hold

1 – SAMOSHEL Referral

HLP Team members contacted a female subject in the 1300 block of 3rd street for a doorway violation. A want and warrants check revealed she had two warrants. She was arrested and booked for the warrants and the municipal code violation. 

DART- Directed Action Response Team

Code Enforcement: 

·        2 Citations                     

·        95 Advisals including 24 written warnings


·        2 Citations

·        9 Field Interviews

·        8 Arrests

·        8 Encampments Advised / Removed

Notable Incidents:

·      No Bail Warrant Arrest - Beach Tower 15. DART contacted a subject who was known to have an outstanding warrant. He is also a fugitive out of Arizona for Assault on a Peace Officer.

·        No Bail Arrest / Drug Possession – Santa Monica Pier.  DART contacted a subject in violation of the municipal code for loitering underneath the Pier. The subject had a drug pipe in plain view and was in possession of methamphetamine. The subject was taken into custody for a No Bail warrant.

·        Critical Missing - 300 Santa Monica Pier.  A family reported their adult relative with Down Syndrome was missing.  The subject was located at the Mariasol Restaurant on the Pier and reunited with the reporting party.

·        SMPD Warrant arrest - 1500 Block Ocean Ave.  DART contacted and arrested a subject with a warrant for Larceny.

·        5150 WIC - 300 Santa Monica Pier.  DART responded to radio call that a female suspect spit on a Pier performer. One of the department’s DMH clinicians responded to assist with an evaluation and determined the suspect needed to be placed on a 5150 hold.

·        Delaying a Police Investigation/Municipal Code Arrest - 1300 Blk of the Beach. DART contacted the occupant in an encampment.  While investigating, the subject lied about his name.  Officers were able to identify the suspect via mobile fingerprint reader. 

·        Narcotics Possession - Santa Monica Pier.  DART contacted the subject for a municipal code violation. Subject consented to a search of his person.  He was in possession approximately 18 grams of methamphetamine.

·        No Bail Warrant Arrest - 1700 Block Ocean Front Walk.  DART contacted a subject for a municipal code violation. Subject lied about his name and was identified using the fingerprint reader. The subject was arrested for a No Bail parole warrant.

·        SMPD Warrant Arrest - 300 Block Santa Monica Pier.  While conducting a periodic check of the Pier, DART officers observed a subject in violation of a municipal code. The subject had a warrant for vandalism and auto theft.  

Crime Impact Team (CIT)

Weekly Stats:

·        Traffic Stops – 16

·        Ped Stops – 20

·        Bike Stops – 5

·        Felony Arrests – 5

·        Misdemeanor Arrests – 2

·        Citations – 2

·        Field Interviews – 10

·        Assists - 2

Incidents of Note

·        Wanted Suspect – Reed Park. Officers conducted a pedestrian stop in Reed Park for a municipal code violation. A records check revealed the subject was wanted out of Culver City for robbery.

·        No Bail Warrant – 2000 Block Ocean Ave. Officers conducted a pedestrian stop in Crescent Bay Park for an open container violation. The suspect had a felony warrant for a parole violation.

·        No Bail Warrant – Reed Park.  Officers assisted the HLP Team with crime suppression in Reed Park. They conducted a pedestrian stop for a municipal code violation and records check revealed the suspect had a felony, no bail warrant for robbery.

·        Drug Possession – 1800 Block of Lincoln Blvd. Officers conducted a pedestrian stop in the 1800 block of Lincoln Blvd. of an individual in possession of methamphetamine and Xanax. The suspect was arrested.

·        Drug Possession / Warrant - 1900 Block Alley 19. Officers conducted a pedestrian stop in the 1900 block Alley 19. The subject was in possession of methamphetamine.  The subject was arrested for drug possession and a $30K Santa Monica warrant.

·        Possession of Drugs for Sales – 14th Street and Grant Street. Officers conducted a traffic stop at 14th St. and Grant. A search of the suspect and his vehicle revealed him to be in possession of over an ounce of methamphetamine. He also had a large amount of cash and a digital scale.

·        Wanted Murder Suspect – Centinela Blvd and Exposition Blvd.  The CIT Unit assisted with the apprehension of a murder suspect wanted by LAPD.

 Community Affairs Unit (CAU)

The entire CAU team participated in department-wide roll call presentations of the 2024-2028 SMPD Strategic Plan.


CAU attended the Coffee with a Cop event at the downtown Target store (5th / Broadway).  Department personnel interacted with numerous Target staff members, residents, and tourists. Arrangements were made for a similar event at the Mid-City Target location. 

Beat 1 – NRO Hollowell with CPC Lockwood


·        NRO Hollowell met with the DTSM Chief of Operations and OEM Dispatch Manager about improving communication between DTSM security and Police Dispatch. During the meeting, introductions were made, and the dispatch process was explored for both agencies. The meeting identified problem areas and a pathway to solutions. Moving forward, OEM will schedule sit-a-longs with DTSM to provide deeper understanding of the role dispatch plays in Police Department operations.

·        NROs Hollowell, Galvan and Sgt. Rodriguez, along with varies units at the police department, Code Enforcement, and City Attorney’s office met via Teams, regarding the city’s Noise Ordinance and problem locations within the city of Santa Monica. As result of the meeting, Code Enforcement at the direction the of City Attorney is working on more effective language that gives more authority to Code Enforcement and PD for stopping ongoing noise problems. The hope is this can be done by the month of September.  


Beat 2 – NRO Navarro with CPC Barreto


·        NRO Navarro and Galvan hosted an open-air Neighborhood Watch meeting at Ishihara Park.  In attendance was City Councilmember Parra and approximately thirty residents. Attendees raised concerns about traffic and homelessness. Resources and contact phone numbers were shared.  

·        NRO Navarro and Wang assisted with recycler enforcement around 16th and Maple. Contacted subjects and advised them about enforcement. 

·        NRO Navarro contacted the manager of Jiffy Lube and he stated it was possible that an Etch and Catch event could occur at their location. He will be contacting their administration and will be notifying him.  

·        NRO Navarro received complaint of a concern with traffic signage in the Cloverfield / I-10 area.  He will be following up with Caltrans to discuss the issue. 

·        NRO Navarro met with gas station manager at Sinclair (20th/Pico) who had employees remove a large stash of trash from the corner of their property. NRO Navarro also had SMC maintenance clean up open walkway adjacent to property that had an encampment. NRO Navarro is now working with SMC maintenance to have fence erected to close off area of homeless.


Beat 3 – NRO Galvan with CPC Barreto

·        NROs Wang, Galvan and Navarro provided security at a Virginia Avenue Park community meeting focused on the prosecution of Crypto FXT, which defrauded elderly Latino individuals of millions of dollars.

·        NROs Galvan, Navarro and CPC Barreto attended the monthly Mid-City community meeting.  Statistics were shared and questions were answered.  The group was pleased with the presentation.

·        NRO Galvan attended a Neighborhood Watch meeting on 25th Street regarding a neighbor causing a disturbance.  Ideas were given and property management was looped into the problem. 


Beat 4 – NRO Wang with CPC Lockwood

·        Following a report of vandalism in the 1500 Block of Montana Avenue, NRO Wang responded to the scene and contacted the business owner.

·        NRO Wang investigated several issues at the apartment complex near 8th Street and California Avenue. He reviewed previous complaints, including disturbing the peace, landlord-tenant disputes, and a recent overdose. NRO Wang discovered squatters in one of the unoccupied buildings nearby and contacted the landlord to start working on getting the property secured.

·        NRO Wang coordinated a Foot Beat Patrol on Montana Avenue. NRO Wang plans on visiting the Montana Avenue business district and coordinating with patrol to enforce violations.

·        NRO Wang was forwarded information from a dissatisfied resident who reported multiple times about an individual trespassing and sleeping in the carport area of their building. NRO Wang reached out to the resident and the responding officers involved. The officer assessed the situation and proposed alternative solutions. Discussions with the citizen addressed issues related to homelessness, mental health, and the drug crisis. The citizen was receptive and understanding of the situation. 

Authored By

Erika Aklufi