The Blue Notebook - A Weekly SMPD Recap August 31- September 6, 2024

September 10, 2024 10:45 AM
by Erika Aklufi

August 31-September 6, 2024

POLICE DEPARTMENT statistics for the week

Patrol Operations Division - Notable Incidents

HLP Team Stats

Homeless Calls for Service Count: 602 incidents.

Department of Mental Health (DMH)/HLP Clinician Stats


·         Throughout the week the “Sunrise” overtime detail was conducted along Ocean Front Walk by various sworn and professional staff and organized by the HLP Team. The focus of the detail is high-visibility patrol, enforcement of encampment violations, and addressing other quality of life issues. Park closure enforcement was also conducted over three days.

·         Indecent Exposure - 1900 Block Pico Boulevard.  HLP team members assisted patrol with an indecent exposure call. The victim claimed the suspect pulled out his penis and began masturbating while looking at the victim.  HLP Team members located the suspect who was subsequently taken to jail. The victim stated that the suspect had made inappropriate comments to her and her daughter in the past.

·         Brandishing a Weapon / Threats - 1700 block of 4th street. HLP Team members responded to a call about a person chasing people with a hammer.  HLP team members attempted to detain a male armed with a large construction hammer and a chisel. The suspect refused to drop his weapons and comply with officers’ commands and less lethal force was utilized to take him into custody. The suspect was subsequently taken to jail.

·         Encampment - 1600 block of Alley 9.  HLP Team Officers arrested the occupant of the encampment for a warrant. The subject has been building encampments at this location for over a month and refuses services.  He has been cited multiple times.  Officers and the team’s DMH clinician are working on getting him into shelter.

·         Encampment - 1400 block of 14th St.  On subsequent days, HLP officers cited an individual for obstructing a public sidewalk and misappropriation of lost property. The individual, who is open to receiving services, has multiple HLP Team contacts starting from November 2022.

·         Encampment - 1800 block of Colorado Ave. (Expo Bike Path).  Two days during the week, a HLP officer cited an individual for public camping.  The subject has been contacted there multiple times.  He has requested a referral to Samoshel while he attempts to purchase a bus/train ticket back to Ohio.

·         Under the Influence / Drug Possession – Lincoln Blvd/Santa Monica Blvd. HLP Team members contacted a subject walking in the street holding what appeared to be a meth pipe. During the detention the suspect refused to hand over the meth pipe and was subsequently detained. After taking the suspect to jail a small amount of what a white substance was found inside of his sock. The suspect was arrested for being under the influence in public, possession of a meth pipe, and possession of dangerous drugs.

·         HLP Team Officers were tasked with assisting a resident who was being harassed by a subject experiencing homelessness.  The resident had been very generous in assisting the subject with clothing, financial support, and phone services. However, the resident has reached a point where she can no longer accommodate his needs and wanted the HLP Team/DMH Team to evaluate him. 

DART- Directed Action Response Team

Code Enforcement: 

·        2 Citations                     

·        161 Advisals including 16 written warnings


·        3 Citations

·        12 Field Interviews

·        7 Arrests

·        11 Encampments Advised / Removed

Notable Incidents:

·         Warrant Arrest – 1500 Block of the Beach. DART located a subject they know from a prior contact with a warrant out of SMPD. The subject is contacted and arrested.

·         Warrant Arrest – 300 Block of the Pier.  DART observed a subject in violation of a municipal code.  The subject was detained and provided a false name. After discovering his identity, the officers found the suspect had a full-extradition warrant from Florida for Felony Assault on a Police Officer.

·         Battery – 1600 Ocean Front Walk. DART responded to a radio call of a battery of a Big Dean’s employee.  DART, working with the overtime beach unit, located the suspect and assisted with his arrest.

·         Disturbing the Peace– 200 Santa Monica Pier.  Officers responded to a call of a subject who was disturbing the employees and customers at the Playland Arcade. Upon contact, officers observed an exposed knife in subject’s waistband, a violation of the municipal code. The subject was arrested.

·         Disturbing the Peace- 300 Santa Monica Pier. DART officers were flagged down by Pier patrons about a male who was acting erratically and yelling.  The subject was detained and arrested for public intoxication.  During their search, officers located a concealed fixed-blade knife in the subject’s pant pocket. A criminal record check revealed the subject on parole for Assault with a Deadly Weapon. A parole hold was obtained.

·  Shopping Cart – 2000 Block of the Beach. Officers contacted a pedestrian for possession of a shopping cart, a violation of the Business and Professions Code.   During a consensual search of the individual, officers located methamphetamine.

Crime Impact Team (CIT)

Weekly Stats:

·        Traffic Stops – 12

·        Ped Stops – 11

·        Bike Stops – 5

·        Felony Arrests – 4

·        Misdemeanor Arrests – 2

·        Citations – 2

·        Field Interviews – 7

·        Assists - 1

Incidents of Note

·         Family Disturbance – Patrol Assist. Responded to a residence to assist patrol with a suspect who was possibly in possession of a firearm.  CIT officers provided help with an Emergency Response Team and crisis negotiations.

·         Beach Enforcement Operation. Officers Lopez and Perez contacted a subject for a municipal code violation. The subject was found to be on parole. Officers contacted the subject’s parole agent and discovered he was a Parolee at Large. The subject was arrested for 3056 PC.

·         Downtown Livability Operation. Officers Lopez and Perez contacted a subject for a municipal code violation at Reed Park. The suspect was a sex registrant (offending charge was rape) who was out of compliance with his registration requirements.  The subject was arrested.

·         Downtown Livability Operation. Officers Perez and Lopez contact a subject who was under the influence and down in front of a bus stop in the 1500 block of 4th St. The subject was a known gang member and on parole. Officers contacted the subjects parole agent and were able to obtain a parole hold. The subject was arrested for 3056 PC.

·         Wanted Suspect.  Officers Lopez and Perez contacted a subject in the 1200 Block of 7th Street for a drinking violation. The suspect was arrested for a No Bail warrant.

 Community Affairs Unit (CAU)

Beat 1 – NRO Hollowell with CPC Lockwood

·         NRO Hollowell met with the Pacific Park Operations Manager to discuss ongoing issues including the problems of high sound levels from the performers on the Pier deck. NRO Hollowell also advised the Operations Manager to contact Code Enforcement to make them aware of the existing concerns on the Pier regarding sound. Officer Hollowell will be collaborating with CAO and Code Enforcement staff to address this. 


·         NRO Hollowell conduct a foot beat in the Downtown area for a different perspective. While out on foot, NRO Hollowell was able to engage various members of the community, speaking to business owners, vendors, and operators of storefronts.


Beat 2 – NRO Navarro with CPC Barreto


·         NRO Navarro and Galvan attended the Neighborhood Watch Meeting for the 700 block of Ashland Avenue. Provided crime statistics and answered questions.  


·         NRO Navarro assisted with a security assessment in the 2900 block of Delaware Avenue. The resident had many questions about crime statistics provided for the neighborhood.   


·         NRO Navarro and Galvan attended a neighborhood watch meeting for the 2400 block of 10th Street and discussed several concerns related to homelessness and its impacts on the area.  The officers answered questions and provided recommendations about reporting issues.  


Beat 3 – NRO Galvan with CPC Barreto

·         NRO Galvan, Navarro and CPC Barreto attended an in-person Neighborhood Watch meeting at 1928 Lincoln Blvd. regarding general safety concerns in the 700 block of Bay St. Questions were answered and concerns regarding homeless were addressed.  The group was pleased with the presentation. 


·         NRO Galvan attended an online Neighborhood Watch meeting for 1249 24th St.  regarding burglaries around McKinley Elementary School.  The NRO addressed concerns about vehicles parked over 72 hours and answered questions regarding homelessness.


Beat 4 – NRO Wang with CPC Lockwood


·     NRO’s Wang, Navarro and Galvan conducted foot patrol in the 1300 block of Montana Avenue. During this patrol, NRO Wang engaged with multiple businesses, introduced himself, discussed community relations, and provided information about the department’s Strategic Plan.


·    Throughout the week NRO Wang continued foot patrol in the 1400 block of Montana Avenue. He contacted additional businesses, connecting with owners and employees and providing information about the department. NRO Wang plans to continuously visit the Montana Avenue corridor through the end of the year.


·         NRO Wang is actively monitoring 825 Ocean Avenue, a vacant convalescent home that has been experiencing issues with squatters and trespassers. He has been in communication with the responsible party and has confirmed that Code Enforcement is performing compliance checks. Additionally, NRO Wang has made visits to the location to ensure ongoing monitoring.

Authored By

Erika Aklufi