The Blue Notebook - A Weekly SMPD Recap February 22 - March 1, 2025

March 12, 2025 2:50 PM
by Lewis Gilmour


Total Calls for Service (CFS) 02/23 – 03/01:  2,353.  2025 Total:  18,978

 Source of calls:


Reckless Driving / DUI Arrest—1400 Pico Blvd- While on patrol, Officers observed a vehicle speeding during rush-hour traffic, weaving between vehicles, driving on the wrong side of the road and running red lights nearly causing several collisions. Officers stopped the vehicle and determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The driver refused chemical tests. A McKneely was later granted for a blood draw. The driver was booked for 23103 VC—reckless driving and 23152 VC—DUI.

Grand Theft Auto / 1901 Ocean Ave. (1500 19th Ct.) -  Victim leaves vehicle idling and suspect jumps in and flees with vehicle. Officers locate the vehicle at 17th St. and Broadway. Traffic stop conducted in the 1500blk of 19th Ct. / In custody / 25-17716  

LOADED GUN ARREST – Appian Way & Vicente Terrace Officers initiated a traffic stop for a stop sign violation. Driver/S-1 seemed to be evasive about getting his information from his backpack. Investigation yielded a loaded firearm in his backpack with marijuana packaged for sales. Post Miranda, S-1 admitted to having a gun for protection due to being shot at previously. Officers Sergio Castillo and Joseph Loera handling. 

CIT Officers observed a suspicious vehicle in the 1500blk of 2nd St. Plain clothes personnel set up surveillance and coordinated a traffic stop with uniformed personnel. Driver was in possession of two catalytic converters and two mufflers that had been cut off a vehicle. 

CIT Officers initiated traffic stop on vehicle with no license plates on the I-10 at Cloverfield. Driver was on parole for 459PC and the vehicle came back stolen.  Stolen vehicle recovered. Additionally, the suspect was in possession of meth and a meth pipe.

CIT Officers conducted a traffic stop regarding a Grand Theft investigation. Detectives requested the driver of vehicle identified regarding $7k loss to a local Honda dealership. Driver was identified, photographed, and released on scene. Info forwarded to handling detective. 

CIT Officers initiated a traffic stop in 200blk Colorado Ave. Search of the vehicle revealed S1 in possession of meth and a meth pipe.


1400 block of 11th Street A K9 officer responded to reports of a suspect chasing residents with a knife and breaking windows. The suspect briefly barricaded himself in his residence. The officer deployed K9 Mylo in a stand-off posture, and after being warned of the K9's presence, the suspect surrendered without incident.

2200 block of Wilshire Blvd Officers responded to reports of a male walking on Wilshire Blvd, waving a machete. The suspect approached officers at Whole Foods, still holding the machete and uncooperative. K9 Frenkie was deployed in a stand-off posture, de-escalating the situation. The suspect was arrested for a probation violation and additional H&S charges.

1700 block of 11th Street (Prowler) Officers responded to a prowling report, finding a female suspect attempting to force entry into the RP's front door. The suspect tried to flee but was arrested without incident after being discovered to have an active 75K bench warrant for 459 PC.

1400 block of 5th Street (Possible Stabbing) Officers responded to a reported stabbing. After several minutes of non-compliance, K9 officer Norton was deployed in a stand-off posture. The suspect eventually complied and was safely detained without incident.

1000 block of Pacific Coast Highway (Hot Prowl) Officers responded to a possible burglary in progress, locating the suspect in the courtyard. The suspect was arrested without incident, and the investigation revealed it was a trespassing case with prosecution desired.

2800 block of Virginia Avenue (Suspicious Person) Officers were dispatched to the location of a previous felony vandalism and vehicle burglary suspect. They found a red wagon near Gandara Park, matching the suspect's M.O. K9 officers located and detained the suspect.

Grand Theft Auto – Ocean Ave and Pico Blvd Officers responded to a GTA where the victim's rental vehicle was stolen. The vehicle was located on Broadway near 17th St, and a felony stop led to the suspect’s arrest. After being released from jail, the suspect later committed two robberies: one at Santa Monica Place (armed) and another at Tongva Park (strong-arm).

Armed Robbery  300 block of Santa Monica PL -  The suspect took the victim’s wallet and E-scooter at gun point and fled toward Tongva Park. The victim flagged down mall security who called for PD assistance. Officers set a containment of the park and detained the suspect. The victim’s E-scooter was recovered; no firearm or wallet was located. The suspect was also responsible for an additional robbery (strongarm) in Tongva Park prior to officers locating him. 

Child Abuse – 1300 block of Stanford Street - A 6-year-old girl was struck in the head without provocation by a homeless suspect while walking with her babysitter, causing the child to fall and hit her head on a parked car. The suspect fled, and an arrest warrant has been issued after identification by CID.

Burglary – Vehicle / Virginia Ave. & Stewart St.  Suspect breaks window of parked vehicle, enters vehicle and rummages through contents. Suspect flees. Officers locate suspect nearby. 

Domestic Violence -  Officers responded to a call for service pertaining to a domestic violence dispute. Officers met with the victim who stated they have been in a dating relationship with the suspect for about 1 year. The suspect  became upset with the victim and while driving around Santa Monica slapped and hit the victim in the head multiple times.  The victim was also forced to withdraw money from the atm.  The victim also stated that after picking up their son, the suspect  slashed at him in the backseat with a knife multiple times. There is a history of domestic violence and an emergency protection order was granted.

Arson Arrest– Alley 19 / Santa Monica Blvd  - SMFD requests assistance for two arsons in the area of Alley 19 & Santa Monica with the suspect seen attempting to start another fire. Officers contacted the suspect  in the area of Alley 19 & Colorado. A 3rd fire had been started by the suspect at Alley 19 & Broadway, which was still burning and was extinguished by SMFD.  

Assault with a Deadly Weapon– 1400 block of  5th St -  The suspect in this case lunged at the victim with scissors. In fear for his life the victim took off his belt to defend himself. The suspect was located and placed under arrest. 

Officers conducted a subject who was found to have a $51k warrant for disorderly conduct. In custody. 

Officers conducted approximately 3-4 hours on foot patrol on 3rd St., 2nd St and Ocean Ave. 

Periodic checks of structures 2, 4, 6 and 9. 



CIT, CID plain clothes personnel and drone personnel conducted a crime suppression operation focused on catalytic converter thefts and the following was the activity:

CIT and DART conducted a crime suppression operation On Ocean Front Walk, Pal Park and the beach and the following were the results:

Officers conducted a pedestrian stop and a want/ warrant check revealed an outstanding $30K SMPD narcotics warrant. Search of the suspect reveled him in possession of a meth pipe.

Officers conducted a pedestrian stop in the 1300block of  Pal Park for drinking. The suspect was arrested for the municipal code violation in addition to providing a false name to law enforcement. 

Officers conducted a pedestrian stop in the 2600 block of  Barnard Way. A want/ warrant check revealed a $51K SMPD warrant for a weapons violation. 

CIT conducted a livability operation in the Wilshire corridor, with a focus on Reed Park and the following was the activity:

An officer observed a subject in Reed Park who has an active stay-away order from Reed Park and the surrounding area. The court order was confirmed and the suspect was arrested.





1400 the beach- SMPD Warrant Arrest: Officers contacted the suspect for drinking alcohol on the beach. Upon further inquiry, Officers found that the suspect was unhoused and had a $51,000 warrant for theft. The suspect was arrested. 

2100 block the beach- No Bail PRCS Arrest: Officers contacted a suspect for stealing Perry Pizza electricity. The suspect was found to be unhoused and had a no bail warrant for Robbery. The suspect was subsequently arrested.

1200 block the beach- 69 PC:  A DART officer contacted and detained an individual for 4.55.250SMMC-No glass containers on public beach. Upon contact the suspect attempted to throw a glass bottle at the contacting officer, without success. The suspect then proceeded to runaways and foot pursuit ensued. The suspect continued to resist arrest, but officers were eventually able to handcuff and arrest him. The suspect was unhoused and had an extensive list of prior violent convictions.  

1600 block of the beach-Possession of meth/drug pipe and 3056 PC Arrest- The suspect was loitering under the pier and was recognized to be on parole for Robbery. A compliance check revealed 1.44 grams of meth and meth pipe on the suspect, who was subsequently arrested.

Ocean / Colorado- Poss of lost/stolen property Arrest: Officers contacted the suspect for riding bike on the sidewalk. The suspect consented to a search and a meth pipe was located on his person, along with an LAPD Police ID and CDL for the named Officer. The suspect unhoused and was cited for riding bike on the sidewalk, possession of meth pipe, and possession of lost/stolen property. Called LAPD Officer who indicated she lost the ID's over a year ago.

Pier Playground- Muni Code Violation Arrest / Refuse to sign citation: Officer contacted an individual for being an adult in the city playground with no child present. The suspect refused to ID himself. Once the suspect was identified he refused to sign the citation. The suspect was arrested for failure to sign citation and transported and booked at SMPD Jail. Suspect was unhoused. 

Beach Tower Drug Arrest A homeless suspect was contacted for smoking on the beach, a municipal code violation, and was found in possession of a drug pipe and lost/stolen property. 

5th St & Colorado Ave - DART Officers contacted a homeless individual and determined they were a sex registrant who was out of compliance and in possession of drug paraphernalia.

1550 Blk of the Beach SMPD Warrant A suspect was arrested for a $30,000 narcotics warrant. Upon arrest, the suspect was found in possession of drug pipe. 

1300 Pal Park 148.9(a)1 PC Arrest / Muni code violation

A suspect was arrested for drinking alcohol in pal park. During the investigation, the suspect provided officers with the name and DOB of another person. The individual’s true identity was revealed via the field-based fingerprint reader. 

2600 Barnard Way SMPD Warrant Arrest DART arrest an individual for outstanding SMPD warrant for weapons violations of $51,000.

1400 Blk of Palisades Park Sex Registrant Out of Compliance Arrest - DART Officers contacted pedestrian for smoking in the park. A record’s check revealed him to be an out of compliance sex offender who had not registered since 2020. 

DART assist Code Enforcement Officers with contacting an unpermitted Half Marathon Event on Ocean Front Walk . Admin Cite issued by Code enforcement.


Beat 1 – NRO Hollowell 

This week, NRO Hollowell continued working closely with the Downtown Services Unit to develop strategies aimed at reducing calls for service at the Downtown Target store. Our efforts began with ensuring that security staff properly document all arrests through comprehensive reports, enhancing accountability and tracking. 

A key component of our strategy is a pilot program that involves locking the Broadway doors to better monitor entrance and exit points, reducing access to only the parking lot side and potential incidents. Additionally, we are coordinating with the City Attorney’s Office to track all arrests for filing and court proceedings, ensuring proper legal follow-through. 

To measure the impact of these initiatives, we will conduct a monthly comparison of calls for service and arrests, analyzing data to determine the effectiveness of our approach. These efforts reflect a proactive and collaborative approach to improving safety and reducing crime at this key location. 

NRO Hollowell reached out to Transit Services LASD regarding encampments next to the 4th Street train station. LASD advised that the property belongs to MTA but is awaiting clarity on their enforcement guidelines. In the meantime, NRO Hollowell, along with patrol officers and Public Works, are working to ensure the area remains clear of encampments, as there is a strong possibility of narcotics activity in the vicinity. Situations like these have an immediate impact on the quality of life in the downtown area, and it is NRO Hollowell hope that LASD receives direction soon to assist in enforcement efforts. 

Beat 3 – NRO Tago 

NRO Tago responded to 1400 Block of 20th Street regarding a vacant property that was being utilized by homeless individuals and causing livability concerns to the community and businesses. NRO Tago met with Code Enforcement and the property owner to conduct a property inspection. Unhoused individuals were located, identified and verbally warned regarding trespassing on the property. There was a large amount of trash left behind in the units and NRO Tago collaborated with the Homeless Services Team (HOST) to clean them out. After the property was cleared, NRO Tago stood by while a boarding company boarded windows, and a fencing company fenced the perimeter of the property. Throughout the rest of the week NRO Tago conducted periodic checks of the property. One of the local businesses observed the work going on at the property and was very thankful for SMPD’s response and coordination to address the property.

NRO Tago and CPC Barretto conducted a security assessment at a hair salon in the 2900 block of Pico Boulevard. The business owner remembered NRO Tago from when he was a member of the Homeless Liaison Program. NRO Tago previously visited the business to discuss the SMMC Doorway Sign Ordinance expansion. The business owner was happy to speak with NRO Tago again and looks forward to collaborating in the future.  

On 2/27 while assisting with C Watch patrol, NRO Tago monitored a radio broadcast regarding a burglary to a vehicle now in the 500 block of Santa Monica Boulevard. NRO Tago was one of the first responding units on scene and detained the suspect. The subject was ultimately placed under arrest and the Downtown Services Unit handled the incident.  

Beat 4 – NRO Wang 

NRO Wang assisted the HLP Team with an operation at a vacant building on the 1600 block of 5th Street, resulting in 11 arrests. 

NRO Wang addressed a parking issue at 16th/Marguerita Avenue. The reporting party (RP) sent an email to the Chief and City Council, prompting an elevated response. The RP was receptive and understood the parameters of parking laws. NRO Wang coordinated with TSOs to enforce the parking regulations. 

NRO Wang responded to La Ouidad Salon on Montana Avenue regarding a chronic subject who had been sleeping, urinating, and defecating on the property during non-business hours. NRO Wang detained the individual and advised him not to return. 

NRO Wang was informed of a grand theft at a jewelry store on Montana Avenue. After reviewing the report, NRO Wang plans to speak with detectives. NRO Wang also contacted the victim to ensure all aspects of the investigation were covered. 

NRO Wang responded to a landlord/tenant dispute on the 1800 block of California Avenue, which involved an eviction notice. 

NRO Wang, Tago, and CPC Aguilar participated in Heroes' Day at Santa Monica Pier. They set up a table for "Coffee with a Cop," where they handed out informative pamphlets and police souvenirs. This was a very successful event that attracted hundreds of people and media. Pacific Park hosted the event and were very pleased with the collaboration with SMPD and the outcome of the event. NRO Wang also gave a brief interview to the media. 

NRO Wang met with Officer Raleigh (both OIC in their respective units) to discuss traffic related issues and upcoming strategic plans. NRO disseminated this information to the CET unit and to community members.  


PD Assist  – Pacific Park  HSOs responded to Pacific Park for a subject inside the park, trying doors and refusing to leave.  HSOs arrived on scene, contacted the subject, who was 918.  SMPD Officers arrived on scene and took the subject into custody. 

Pier Jumper / 5150 – West End of Pier HSOs responded to a report of a pier jumper off the NW corner of the pier.  A HSO entered the water for rescue while another HSO  requested units, lifeguards, and fire to stage at west end.  HSOs swam the victim to the catwalk for extraction from the water. HSOs recognized the pier jumper as a chronic pier jumper resulting in  frequent calls for service.  SMFD E-7 paramedics assessed the individual and the subject was taken into custody for 5150. 


The HLP Team, in collaboration with The HOST Team, located and disposed of abandoned encampments/property located throughout the city. 

On 02/26/25, The HLP Team, in partnership with CIT, patrol, NRO’s, City facilities staff and HOST, conducted a livability operation at 1632 5th St. 1632 5th St is a vacant city owned building and is known for generating multiple radio calls and 311 requests/complaints involving encampments and individuals trespassing on the property. HLP Operations and interior searches of the building have also been conducted on 4/10/24, 1/28/25 and 1/28/25. City appointed contractors responded and boarded up the building. 

On 02/27/25, The HLP Team responded to 1420 20th St to assist NRO’s with conducting an interior search of the vacant property. 1420 20th St is known for generating several radio calls and 311 requests/complaints involving trespassing. Abandoned property was left behind in several units. The HOST Team responded on scene to dispose of the property. The vacant units were boarded up and fencing was installed around the property.

Authored By

Lewis Gilmour