The Future of the Santa Monica Airport

As the Santa Monica Airport celebrates its 100th year of existence in the community, City Council approved a public process to determine the future of the Santa Monica Airport on January 24, 2023. The Airport, which lies on 192 acres, represents nearly 3.5% of the City's land area. It was purchased in 1926 using a Parks bond, and was later developed into the SMO Municipal Airport.

The public process is consistent with past Council direction to establish a plan for future use of the land, and to address the community's interest in the creation of parks and recreational amenities, and to contend with community goals and priorities as they relate to current and future generations. Click here to read the full Staff Report: Public Process to Determine the Future of the Santa Monica Airport.

The Engagement Process

To participate in the Engagement process, please click here to sign up for project updates and additional information on how you can get involved.

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