Santa Monica Housing Office - Property Owners with Voucher Holding Tenants

Prospective owners

The Santa Monica Housing Authority only serves the City of Santa Monica. If you are the owner/landlord of a building in Santa Monica, please read below. 

If you receive an SMHA Request for Tenancy packet from a prospective tenant and you have any questions about the needed information, please contact SMHA at 310-458-8743 (you will need to leave a message) or email

Current owners

To view payment histories, past inspection results, upcoming scheduled inspections or to view/print forms and transmit them to the Santa Monica Housing Authority (SMHA):

SMHA offers a secure online service called AssistanceCheck. This convenient service allows you to contact us and make requests online rather than in person or by telephone or mail. Once you become a partner landlord you will be given a PIN to create your AssistanceCheck account. To sign up for access to the AssistanceCheck owner portal, please contact

To update your information: 

Please fill out the Information Update Request form.

To request a rent increase:

You may be eligible to submit a rent increase request, in accordance with state, local, and federal regulations and proper noticing requirements. To request a rent increase, please complete the fillable Rent Increase form online. Alternatively, if you would like to print the form and send it to the office directly, please click on the Rent Increase form to print and complete.  

To sign up for direct deposit:

Please review the Instructions for Completing Direct Deposit Authorization Form. To enroll for the direct deposit program, please download and complete the Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit and mail, fax, or email it, with a voided check attached, to the contact on the form. Be sure to include a completed Proof of Ownership form and a completed W9 if you have not already submitted these.

Direct Deposit FAQs:

1. Where do I find the federal reserve code and/or bank code? 

You can find it on your check (upper right-hand corner – most checks). Refer to the instructions for completing the Authorization for Direct Deposit form for more information.

2. Will I receive a statement in the mail?

No, you will receive your statement (check stub) via email. It is important that you provide us with a valid email address.

3. What if I need to make changes to my bank account?

If you need to make any changes to any of the items on your Authorization Agreement, you need to contact us immediately and submit a new form no later than the 10th of the month, in order for the changes to take effect on the 1st of the following month. Do not contact your financial institution.

4. Can I email my completed Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit?

Yes. You can email this to