Library Policies
Library Policies
- Accessibility - Attending Events, Activities, and Meetings
- Accessibility - Notice of Non-Discrimination
- Accessibility - Service Animals
- Audiovisual Policy
- Collection Development Policy
- Gifts and Donations
- Giveaway Publications
- Internet Use
- Library Filming & Photography
- Library Programs & Events
- Meeting Room Policy
- Pico Meeting Room Policy
- Posting Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Rules of Conduct
- Statement of Concern of Library Materials
- Study Spaces Policy
- Study Space Laptop Use Policy
- Study Space Lendables Policy
Accessibility - Attending Events, Activities, and Meetings
The Santa Monica Public library is wheelchair accessible and welcomes persons of all abilities. For special accommodations such as a sign language interpreter, taped text, Braille, audio description, captioning or if you require printed materials in an alternate format, please contact Library Administration at (310) 458-8606 at least one week prior to the event or email Library Administration office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. TTY/TDD users may call (310) 395-8499.
If you wish to attend a meeting of any City commission or the City Council or any other public meeting or activity sponsored by the City of Santa Monica and want to request a disability-related accommodation, please call the City’s ADA Coordinator at (310) 458-8701 at least three business days in advance so that appropriate accommodations may be made. Office hours are Monday - Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., and 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on alternate Fridays. TTY/TDD users may call (310) 458-8696.
Accessibility - Notice of Non-Discrimination
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504") the City of Santa Monica does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities.
The City of Santa Monica ("City") does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under title I of the ADA.
The City will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in City programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters and other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.
The City will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activities. Qualified persons with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the City, or who need an alternative format of this or other City notices, should contact the lead staff designated in program, service, or activity publications, or the office of the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator as soon as possible but no later than 5 working days before the scheduled event.
The ADA and Section 504 do not require the City to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
Complaints that a program, service, or activity of the City is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to the office of the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator. Formal grievances should follow the City's posted Grievance Procedures for the ADA/Section 504.
The City will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individuals with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy.
Accessibility - Service Animals
The ADA defines a service animal as any guide dog, signal dog or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. If they meet this definition, animals are considered service animals under the ADA regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government.
Service animals perform some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform for him or herself. “Seeing eye dogs” are one type of service animals used by some individual who are blind. This is the type of service animal with which most people are familiar. But there are service animals that assist persons with other kinds of disabilities in their day-to-day activities, including alerting persons with hearing impairments to sounds and pulling wheelchairs or carrying and picking up things for persons with mobility impairments.
- A service animal is not a pet.
- Service animals must be allowed in all public places.
- No special license, harness or vest is required.
A person with a service animal may be asked what accommodation they need when using the Santa Monica Public Library. Library staff may offer some other accommodation. The service animal must be fully controlled at all times. Both the person with the disability and the service animal must adhere to the Library Rules of Conduct.
The City of Santa Monica has policies and procedures in place for how to respond to a request for accommodations from a member of the public. Human Services, the City’s ADA Coordinator, can provide assistance. For questions, complaints, concerns or requests for information about the ADA, please contact Human Services located in City Hall at 1685 Main Street, in Room 212. You may phone Human Services at (310) 458-8701. To reach them by TTY/TDD, call (310) 458-8696.
Audiovisual Policy
Users with a Santa Monica Public Library card in good standing are welcome to borrow items from the Library's rich collection of DVDs, music CDs, books on CD, and eBooks. Borrowers agree to abide by Library rules, including the following:
- It is the borrower’s responsibility to determine audience suitability. Parents of minors are responsible for guiding their child’s DVD/Video/Sound recording selection. The Library cannot act in loco parentis.
- The cardholder assumes full responsibility for damage or loss. In case of loss or theft, the cardholder is responsible for the entire replacement cost plus a processing fee. Damaged or missing parts are charged to the cardholder at the replacement or repair cost to the Library. In the event that a missing part cannot be replaced, the borrower is responsible for the entire replacement cost plus the processing fee.
- Discs should be played using equipment in good operating condition. Audiovisual materials should be kept away from dirt, dust, humidity, sunlight, and heat and stored in their case when not in use. Do not leave audiovisual materials in cars as even brief periods can result in heat damage.
- Report any scratched or damaged items to Library staff. Do not try to clean materials yourself. The Library is not responsible for damage to electronic equipment, or any cost of repair, resulting from use of Library materials.
- Library DVDs/Videos are restricted by copyright laws and performance licenses and may not be copied, reproduced, or broadcast, in whole or in part. “Home Use Only” DVDs/Videos are for private home viewing and any public or semi-public performance (whether or not admission is charged) is prohibited.
Collection Development Policy
The Collection Development Policy offers guidance to Library staff in the selection and retention of materials for the Santa Monica Public Library and serves to inform the public and other interested persons of the Library’s philosophy for selection and collection maintenance.
The mission of the Santa Monica Public Library is to provide resources, services and a place to encourage the community to Read, Connect, Relax and Learn.
The guidelines are based on the Library’s Mission and the long-established principles of the Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, and Freedom to View Statement as adopted by the American Library Association.
Library and Community Profile
The Santa Monica Public Library consists of one Main Library and four neighborhood branches that serve a residential population of 90,223 (2012) in an 8.3 mile square area.
The population of Santa Monica has a median age of 40, with 36 percent of the residents between the ages of 25 and 44. Fourteen percent is under 18 years, and another 15 percent is over 65 years. Forty-eight percent of households are single-person and 71 percent are occupied by renters. The City has a generally well-educated population, with 64 percent having a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Main and branch materials are listed in a single online catalog, materials can be readily transferred between locations, and cardholders can use all locations and materials, including electronic formats.
Collection Objectives
The Santa Monica Public Library provides a contemporary, relevant collection of resources in a wide range of formats to meet the informational, educational and recreational needs of its community. The Library strives to meet these needs within the limitations of space, staffing and budget.
The Library is a popular materials collection with added breadth and depth in the area of local history. Materials and formats are not maintained past their relevance. This ensures a collection of current interest to our patrons. Textbooks and materials of a highly technical or specialized nature more appropriate for research or special libraries are generally excluded from the collection.
Responsibility for Selection
Ultimate responsibility for materials selection rests with the City Librarian who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Library Board. The City Librarian delegates major responsibility for materials selection to the Principal Librarians.
Guidelines for Materials Selection
Collection development is based on these specific criteria:
- Community needs, interests, and demands
- Significance and compatibility of the work to the collection
- Recommendations of reviews from professional journals or publications of national repute
- Reputation and qualifications of the author, illustrator, publisher, or producer
- Availability of other information on the subject
- Literary, artistic, historical, scientific, or intellectual merit
- Suitability of format
- Price and availability for purchase
- Author or creator already has popular works in the collection
- Significance of the author’s work to the Santa Monica area
- Suitability of subject and style to intended audience
The importance or weight of each of these factors will vary from one acquisition to another, others may be considered, and materials for adults, teens, and children will each be judged differently.
All cardholders, regardless of age, have the right to access all materials in the Library and to borrow any circulating item. Parents and legal guardians have the responsibility to monitor the use of library materials by their children. Selection of library materials for adults is not limited by the possibility that children may come in contact with them. The Library does not act in loco parentis and is not responsible for inadvertent viewing at the library.
The Library only accepts materials in usable condition. All gifts become the sole property of the Santa Monica Public Library upon receipt and cannot be returned. The Library reserves the right to decide whether donated items are added to the collection and to determine the conditions of display, storage, and access.
All gift materials added to the collection must meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials. Gifts not added to the collection are given to the Friends of the Santa Monica Public Library for sale in their bookstore. Proceeds from the Friends Bookstore directly benefit the Library.
Gifts can be acknowledged with a written receipt that lists the number and type of material donated. However, the Library cannot legally make a determination of value of the donation or act as an appraiser (The Tax Reform Act of 1984, Sec. 155a). The Library maintains the right to refuse donations at any time.
Local History and Image Archives Gifts
Photographs, slides, ephemera, pamphlets, maps, or other archival materials relating to the history of Santa Monica and the surrounding area may be added to the Library’s collection on the approval of the City Librarian, Principal Librarian, or the Image Archives Librarian. Gifts will be evaluated according to their relevance to the history and development of the Santa Monica Bay area, as well as the Library’s ability to physically preserve them and make them available to the public. Images selected for inclusion in the collection are stored archivally and made available to the public online. Images which have restrictions placed on their use will not be accepted.
Gift Subscriptions of Periodicals and Giveaway Publications
Gift subscriptions to periodicals and giveaway publications are submitted to the Periodicals Committee for approval and are subject to the same selection criteria as paid subscriptions. Gift subscriptions chosen to be added to the collection require a three year subscription.
Collection Maintenance
To maintain the quality and relevance of the collection, the Library regularly withdraws materials that are worn, outdated, superseded, or obsolete. Space limitations require that duplicate copies no longer in demand also be discarded.
As materials become worn, damaged, or lost, replacement will be based on whether or not:
- The item is still available
- There is ongoing demand or need
- Another item or format might better serve the same purpose
- Updated, newer or revised materials would better replace a given item
- The item has historical value in this or another library based upon mission and guidelines
- Another library system could better provide the item or a comparable item in the future
Statement of Concern of Materials
The Santa Monica Public Library endorses the principles documented in the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association. Materials available in the library present a diversity of viewpoints. The library also selects a wide variety of library materials that satisfy the diverse interests of our community. The library upholds the right of the individual to secure these resources, even though the content may be controversial, unorthodox, or unacceptable to some.
The library does not accept patron requests for withdrawal of materials. To maintain the quality and relevance of the collection, the library regularly withdraws materials that are worn, outdated, superseded, or obsolete. Patrons who wish to request reclassification of materials currently owned by the library are encouraged to fill out the form Statement of Concern of Library Material. All completed requests will be routed to appropriate staff for evaluation and a response made. The library expects that not all the collection will appeal to everyone; however, the library’s varied collection is available to all.
About the Collections
Books - The adult fiction collection consists of a wide variety of contemporary fiction from all genres, international works in English translation, and classic literature, with emphasis on new popular and bestseller titles. The adult nonfiction collection contains works that provide basic knowledge on essential or intriguing topics and consists of works written for a general readership.
Periodicals - The periodicals collection consists of current, popular titles and selected historical holdings considered to be essential for the purpose of responding to the community’s broadest informational, education, and recreational needs. The core list of newspapers includes major local Santa Monica newspapers, regional newspapers (e.g., The Los Angeles Times), and major national newspapers (e.g., The New York Times).
The children’s periodical collection includes titles for babies to eleven year olds. The teen periodicals collection emphasizes entertainment and recreation for ages 12 to 18.
Children’s Collection - The children’s collection provides materials in a variety of formats to satisfy the informational, recreational, cultural, and educational needs of children, from babies and preschoolers through children in elementary school grades. Materials are selected with regard to the stages of emotional and intellectual maturity of children. The collection includes early literacy formats that target the importance of reading aloud to children during the first five years. The collection also provides adults with materials that aid in the study of children's literature.
Formats in the children’s collection include board books, picture books, beginning readers, graphic novels, paperbacks, fiction, nonfiction, magazines, music CDs, read-along kits, DVDs, audiobooks and other electronic formats.
Teen Collection - The teen collection supports the educational and recreational needs of middle school and high school age teens (12 to 18 years old). The collection includes popular reading titles as well as school-assigned classics and informational nonfiction titles.
Formats in the teen collection include fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, paperbacks, magazines, audiobooks and other electronic formats. Teen DVD titles are shelved in the adult area.
Parenting Center Collection - The Parenting Center at the Main Library offers materials on general parenting, health issues, and educational topics. The collection includes therapeutic books that support children who need to process difficult personal events such as divorce, death, new siblings and other similar topics. The majority of material will be appropriate for parents to share with their child, but some may be addressed to parents or others who work with children.
Formats in the Parenting Collection include fiction and nonfiction books, magazines, and DVDs.
World Languages - The World Languages collection contains materials written in Chinese, Farsi, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish. Active collection is limited to those languages most in demand by Library clientele and/or spoken in our community and does not necessarily include those spoken by the majority of the world’s population or in any way reflect on the importance of any language to the culture or development of a civilization.
Other Print Materials - Large Print materials are primarily designed for use by patrons with visual impairments. The collection consists of popular fiction, mystery, and classic titles. Nonfiction comprises roughly a quarter of the Large Print collection. The collection is not comprehensive due to the limited availability of these books.
The Library also maintains a selected collection of California Topographic Maps with an emphasis on Southern California.
Local History Collection
Materials on California history and local Santa Monica Bay area history, which may include ephemeral, scholarly, and specialized items excluded from the regular print collection, are collected. The Library attempts to develop a comprehensive collection documenting local history. Local government documents are selectively retained; the Library does not attempt to serve as the City archive.
Digital Collections
The Library maintains a collection of historic images and other materials likely to be of historic value of the Santa Monica Bay area. The collection is primarily acquired through gifts, but materials may be purchased if determined to be appropriate to the collection. Historic materials may be digitized and included in the Library’s online digital collections.
The electronic resources collection includes online subscription databases, downloadable audiobooks, downloadable electronic books (eBooks), streaming media, and authoritative links to Internet information. The Library favors electronic sources which are device and platform neutral, which use open and/or public file formats, and which support the traditional legal principles of first sale and fair use.
The audiovisual collection includes digital video discs (DVDs), audio compact discs (CDs), unabridged audiobooks on CD (Library editions), and multimedia kits. Emphasis is on current popular titles, established artists, and educational interest topics. Audiovisual materials complement the Library’s other collections and public programs.
Foundation Center Collection
The Library is a cooperating collection of the Foundation Center. The Foundation Center Collection includes a core group of foundations and grants directories and manuals published by the Foundation Center. As part of the core collection, the Library also subscribes to two databases, the Foundation Grants to Individuals Database and the Foundation Directory Online Professional Database. These databases are available at the Main Library only.
Sustainable Santa Monica Collection
Partly supported by the City of Santa Monica’s Office of Sustainability and the Environment, the Library makes a special effort to purchase materials in all relevant subject areas to complement the City’s strong commitment to sustainability. The City of Santa Monica’s Sustainable City Plan defines sustainability as “meeting current needs - environmental, economic, and social - without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same.” Sustainability materials are interfiled in their respective subject areas but can be found by searching the Library’s online catalog for “Sustainable Santa Monica Collection”.
Adopted by the Santa Monica Public Library, 29 April 2011, updated 21 April 2014
Gifts and Donations
The Santa Monica Public Library welcomes donations for the Library’s collections and the Friends of the Library Bookstore. Book donations can be dropped off at the Main Library entrance during open hours. Larger donations are accepted Fridays 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Main Library 7th Street Paseo entrance. Donations are not accepted at the branches at this time.
We welcome books, vinyl, CDs, and DVDs, but no galleys or screeners. The Library does not accept donations of magazines. If you have questions about donations please contact us at (310) 458-8600 or by email
Library staff or volunteers cannot pick up donated materials from residences or businesses.
The Library reserves the right to refuse restrictive gift conditions and to transfer donations not added to the Library's collection to the Friends of the Santa Monica Public Library for sale in their used bookstore at the Main Library. Proceeds of bookstore sales benefit the Library.
Gifts are acknowledged with a receipt that indicates the number and general type of items being donated. The Library cannot make a determination of the value of the donation or act as an appraiser pursuant to The Tax Reform Act of 1984, Sec. 155a.
Giveaway Publications
Selection of giveaway publications is made in accordance with the Periodicals Policy Section of the Library's Materials Selection Policy. Suggestions for giveaways are reviewed by the Periodicals Committee once a year and included in the review of all suggestions to add to the collection - whether giveaways, gifts, or suggestions for purchase.
A list of approved giveaway publications is maintained by the Periodicals Librarian.
Internet Use
In keeping with the Santa Monica Public Library's mission to help support an informed and educated community, the Library provides free public access to resources on the Internet. The Library adheres to the American Library Association’s policy statement: Access to Digital Resources and Services: an interpretation of the LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS which supports the right of individuals to choose library materials for themselves, including those in electronic formats.
As with all other library materials, children’s access to and use of the Internet is the sole responsibility of the child’s parent or legal guardian. The Internet may provide access to information, content and services some of which parents may feel is inappropriate or objectionable for their own children. The Library and its staff cannot censor access to materials or prevent users from encountering materials on the Internet that they may find offensive. Parents should let their children know about information, content and services on the Internet that they do not want them to access or use. Or, parents should supervise their own child’s Internet sessions at the Library. For more information on children and the Internet, visit Connect Safely.
- The Internet offers access to many valuable local, national, and international sources of information.
- By providing the Internet, Library users are able to expand their access to information far beyond the Library’s budgetary or space constraints. In choosing sources to link to the Santa Monica Public Library home page, Library staff follow accepted library selection criteria for electronic resources. Not all sources on the Internet, however, provide accurate, complete, or current information. Each user must evaluate the validity and usefulness of information found on the Internet.
- The Library does not monitor and has no control over information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems, or any consequences thereof.
- Materials obtained or copied from the Internet may be subject to copyright laws. U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of fair use. Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including electronic mail, text, images, programs, or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Any responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with the user. The Santa Monica Public Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.
- Santa Monica Public Library computers are located in public areas where minors may be present. Use of SMPL public computers in a manner harmful to minors or in any manner in violation of state or federal law is prohibited. Unlawful activities will be reported to library security staff or the Santa Monica Police Department.
Library Filming & Photography
Commercial Filming and photography is not permitted on library premises. The Library may elect to photograph or film Library programs and/or events. The Library reserves the right to include these images in promotional materials. Attendance at Library programs and/or events constitutes consent to be photographed by Santa Monica Public Library for publicity purposes.
Library Programs & Events
Library events are free and open to the public and are intended to promote and enhance the collections, services, and mission of the Santa Monica Public Library.
In addition, a library co-produced event that involves community members and/or community groups will:
- Actively involve collaboration and communication with a library staff member including planning, promotion, and production including library staff present at the event and evaluation.
- Introduce new topics and subjects of interest to the community and/or promote collections, services, and resources.
- Possess a set duration and an established end date, unless otherwise approved by a library supervisor/manager.
- Be subject to regular evaluation and improvements by library staff.
- Be flexible and accommodate new programming and library initiatives.
Meeting rooms are available for rental for events not co-produced by the library. Ask for information at your library.
Meeting Room Policy
Approved by the Library Board April 2017
The Santa Monica Public Library has meeting rooms available to the general public. Use is granted on an equal basis to all groups in accordance with the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights.
Supervision and Management
- Library meeting rooms are managed according to city and state laws governing protection of public property and fire safety.
- It shall be the responsibility of the City Librarian to supervise and manage the meeting rooms and to give permission for their use in accordance with, and subject to, the terms and conditions contained herein.
- All persons wishing to use Library meeting rooms must agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth for their use.
- The fact that a group or organization is granted permission to meet in the Library in no way constitutes endorsement by the City of the policies or beliefs of that group or organization.
Rules for Use
- Library meeting rooms are suitable for orderly public gatherings for such purposes as lectures, film showings, musical programs, discussion groups, and similar activities.
- They are not available to be used for any of the following:
- For purposes prohibited by city ordinance, by state or federal law, or by Library Rules and Regulations.
- For the commercial advertising or direct solicitation of clients or customers.
- For fundraising.
- For events which directly profit the business of a commercial organization or individual. - All meetings are to be open to the public free of charge. No fee shall be charged, nor donation solicited, nor membership be required as a condition of entry. There can be no sales of products or services.
- The above restriction does not apply to City or Library events and activities.
- Applicant agrees to leave the room and furnishings in the condition in which they are found. Applicant further agrees to accept liability for any damage to the facility, its furniture or equipment caused by the occupancy of said premises by the organization. Damage to Library property will be paid for by the applicant at a cost determined by the City. All leftover food must be disposed of in the trash bins or removed.
- Total hours requested must include set-up and clean-up time. Rental period begins when the room is opened. Applicant may not enter the room until the time designated on the application. The clean-up and load-out of equipment and personal belongings must be completed and the facility completely vacated by the time indicated on the application. Applicant is responsible for arranging furniture as necessary for their event.
- Applicant must be in attendance for the entire time the reservation is in effect. For groups composed primarily of minors, applicant agrees to have one adult in attendance in a supervisory capacity for every ten minors.
- All applicants must pay a deposit, which will be refunded following an inspection of the room and provided that the room, furnishings, and equipment are left clean and undamaged.
- Due to the potential for damage to Library equipment, no equipment other than the user's laptop can be connected to Library equipment. All Library equipment must be used as is. No modifications or adjustments may be made to the equipment. Any violation will result in the forfeiture of the deposit. Only self- contained pieces of equipment may be brought in for use by individuals. Further, there is no access to the sound booth or mixing board in the Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium. If using a laptop during a presentation we strongly urge applicant to check compatibility between the Library system and user's laptop before the program date.
- Applicant wishing to put up displays or decorations must first obtain permission to do so. Items shall not be taped or tacked to painted walls. No flammable materials will be permitted; and all materials used must be treated with flame-proofing and approved by a representative of the City Fire Prevention Bureau.
- No smoking is allowed. The serving or use of intoxicating beverages is prohibited.
- Applicant agrees to include in any printed publicity, the statement: "This event is not sponsored by the Santa Monica Public Library."
- The Library may not be used as a mailing address for organizations meeting at the Library.
- Storage of personal property is not permitted.
- An announcement regarding emergency procedures will be made prior to the commencement of each meeting.
- All meetings must end prior to Library closure. All attendees and participants must exit the building at closing time except in the case of approved after hours events. Announcements will be made by Library staff as the closing time approaches.
- Use may be revoked and/or denied in the future, by the City Librarian if there is any violation of the Rules for Use of Meeting Rooms, non-payment of fees or any abuse of the privilege of using the facility or equipment.
Collaborative Library/Community Programs
This category consists of programs or services that meet mutual goals to serve the public or special user groups and are offered jointly by the Santa Monica Public Library and a community group, agency or individual. Program design, scheduling for the program and outreach is done in a collaborative way. City staff and the community group or agency participates in all aspects of the event from creation, funding, marketing, staffing and evaluation. Rental fees are waived for collaborative programs.
Application Procedure
- An application for Use of City Facility and Waiver and Release of Liability Agreement and a signed confirmation are required of all groups using the meeting rooms. These documents are available from the Administration Office in the Main Library and at the Branch Libraries where the rental facilities are located. Hours for bookings and submitting applications may be limited.
- Rooms will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. A one week (5 business days) courtesy hold may be made but reservations cannot be confirmed until the signed confirmation has been received and all fees and deposits paid. If payment is not received within 5 business days the reservation will be released. Payments must be made by credit card, check, money order (payable to the Santa Monica Public Library) or cash.
- In the event of conflicts over requested dates for use of the meeting rooms, preference will be given in the following order:
- Library events
- City agencies
- Others - Use of facilities may be revoked by the City Librarian if there is a conflict with Department use.
- Rooms may be booked no more than two months in advance at the Main Library and three months in advance at the Branch Libraries.
- Meeting room use is limited as follows:
- Meeting rooms may be booked for a maximum of six hours system wide, as two three-hour sessions, per applicant or organization per month.
- The standard booking fee covers one three-hour session including set-up and clean up time.
- A single meeting room session may be booked for additional hours (not to exceed the maximum usage of six hours per month).
- Additional hours will be charged as listed in the fee schedule.
- An applicant or organization that uses more than three hours in a session will have reached their limit for the month. - Rental agreements are subject to review by the City Librarian and the Library Board, who will determine compliance with Library meeting room policy.
- Facility entrance doors will be closed and locked 30 minutes after permitted starting time if users fail to show up. Refunds due to late arrivals or no shows will not be granted.
- Applicant should notify Library Administration (for reservations at the Main Library) or the Branch Manager (for reservations at the branch libraries) as soon as possible if the meeting is to be canceled. Fees will be refunded only if cancellation notification is received in writing one week (5 business days) in advance of the reservation date. For all cancellations an administrative fee of $25.00 will be deducted from the refunded amount.
- The Library reserves the right to cancel or reassign meeting dates due to emergency requirements of the City of Santa Monica or the Library.
Fee Schedule
The standard booking fee covers one three-hour session including set-up and clean up time. A deposit is required on all reservations.
Santa Monica neighborhood associations meeting the criteria for city grant support are exempt from the regular hourly meeting room rental fees while following all of the other rules in the library meeting room policy.
Fees to be charged for the use of community facilities but which are not listed in the fee schedule shall be determined by the City Librarian and shall be based upon the costs incurred in providing the facility or program.
Based on availability, a security staffing fee will be assessed for use of the facility (Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium, Fairview Branch, or Pico Branch) outside of operating hours.
Please contact Library Administration for fees and room availability.
Pico Meeting Room Policy
The Virginia Avenue Park (“Campus”) is described as the Pico Branch Library and Virginia Avenue Park buildings, parking lots, and park area and its amenities. The Virginia Avenue Park Campus (“Campus”) Meeting Room Policy applies to the temporary use of the community room facilities available for rent known as the Pico Branch Library Annex, Thelma Terry Building Workshop 3 and The Patio. These rooms are located on the Campus. The Campus and its room facilities are managed according to Federal, State, Local laws as well as Library and Park rules and regulations (SMMC 1.08.030 and 4.55.400). The room rental fees are determined by City Administration.
The purpose of Campus meeting facilities is to provide an orderly environment in which groups may gather to conduct meetings, attend lectures and discussions, and undertake other group activities.
Campus rooms are not available for any of the following activities: purposes prohibited by City ordinance, municipal code, state or federal law, or by Campus Meeting Room Policies; commercial advertising; direct solicitation of clients or customers; fundraising; or events which directly profit the business of a commercial organization or individual.
No fee shall be charged, nor donation solicited, nor membership be required as a condition of entry to meeting or event.
The fact that a group or organization is granted permission to meet in the Campus rooms, in no way constitutes endorsement by the City (including Library) of the policies or beliefs of that group or organization.
Applicant agrees to include in any printed publicity, the following statement: “This program is not sponsored by the City of Santa Monica.”
All meetings/events must comply with all Federal, State, Local laws as wells as Campus rules and regulations. Liability insurance may be required as determined by the City’s Risk Manager.
Use may be revoked and/or denied in the future, by City Administration if there is any violation of the Meeting Room Policy, non‐payment of fees, or any abuse of the privilege of using the facility or equipment.
In the event of conflicts over requested dates for use of Campus rooms, preference will be given to groups in the following order:
- Pico Branch Library and Virginia Avenue Park
- City Divisions
- Others
Campus rooms may be booked once a month per applicant or organization.
The Annex is available only for meetings open to the public. Parties are not allowed.
The Thelma Terry Building Workshop 3 and The Patio are available for private and public meetings and parties.
There can be no sales of products or service by private parties. Vending in parks is prohibited except as stated in Santa Monica Municipal Code (SMMC) section 6.36.030.
Total hours requested must include set‐up and clean‐up time. Rental period begins when the Campus room is unlocked for the group. Applicant may not enter the room until the time designated on the application. The clean‐up and load‐out of personal belongings and equipment must be completed and the facility completely vacated by the time indicated on the application.
Facility will be closed and locked 30 minutes after permitted starting time if renters do not show up. Refunds due to later arrivals or no shows will not be granted.
All attendees and participants must exit the building by the end of the rental time. Applicant must be in attendance for the entire time the reservation is in effect.
For groups composed primarily of minors, applicant agrees to have one adult in attendance in a supervisory capacity for every ten minors.
Applicant is responsible for requesting, during the reservation process, tables and chairs for their event.
Tables, chairs and all Campus equipment may not be placed outside of the rented room or removed from Campus buildings.
Rental is for the designated room on permit only. Lobbies, hallways and parking lots are public access ways and not part of the rental.
A projector and screen is available for use in the Annex. Renters should provide their own devices. Staff will physically hook the renters’ devices to the Annex equipment. Annex equipment must be used as is. No modifications or adjustments may be made. We strongly urge applicant to check compatibility between the Annex system and user’s device before the program date.
A kitchenette is available for use in the Annex for an additional fee. The kitchen (including appliances and equipment) is not available for public use in the Thelma Terry Workshop 3.
Animals, except trained service animals, are not permitted in park or library buildings.
Smoking is prohibited in all Santa Monica City parks, libraries and City facilities. (SMMC 4.44.020)
Applicant agrees to leave the room and furnishings in the condition in which they are found. Rooms must be left in a clean and orderly condition.
Applicant agrees to accept liability for any damage to the facility, its furniture or equipment caused by their group or organization.
All applicants must pay a cleaning/damage security deposit, which will be refunded following an inspection of the Campus room and provided that the room, furnishings, and equipment are left clean and undamaged. In addition, damage to Campus facility or property will be paid for by the applicant at a cost determined by the City.
Items shall not be taped, tacked, strung or painted on ceilings, walls or windows.
Decorations, exhibit or displays must be removed immediately following the event or activity.
Decorations using nails, screws, adhesive, staples, scotch tape, string or any other method that may cause damage to the facilities is not allowed. Hay, sand weights, confetti, rice, glitter, soap bubbles, and similar materials are not allowed.
Flammable materials are not permitted; and all materials used must be treated with flame‐retardant for fire proofing. The use of decorative candles, incense, oils, propane or open flame is prohibited in Campus buildings and parks. All material is subject to inspection by a Santa Monica Fire Inspector.
Note: Sterno canned cooking fuel specifically for the use of warming food in chafing dishes and birthday candles on cakes are allowed in the Patio and Thelma Terry Workshop 3. These must be extinguished immediately after use.
Doorways, hallways, corridors, staircases and fire exits cannot be blocked or obstructed.
Storage of personal property is not permitted. The Virginia Avenue Park Campus will not be held responsible for the loss of any materials or items left in any of the facilities.
All leftover food must be disposed of in trash bins or removed. All food, beverage arrangements and clean‐up are the responsibility of the renter.
Alcohol and intoxicating beverages are prohibited in all Santa Monica City parks and libraries. (SMMC 4.08.200) Any violation may result in immediate cancellation of event, forfeiture of deposits and payments and denial of future permits for facility use.
Any user group serving food to the general public must comply with all applicable State and Local Health codes and obtain licenses and permits required by law.
Styrofoam containers and service pieces are in City facilities (SMMC 5.44.020).
The Pico Branch Library (PBL) requires a Meeting Room Interest Form and a signed Meeting Room Reservation Confirmation for use of the Annex.
Virginia Avenue Park (VAP) requires a completed Park Facility Rental Room Application for use of the Thelma Terry Workshop 3 or The Patio.
A Waiver and Release of Liability Agreement is required of all groups using Campus rooms.
Documents are available from the PBL and VAP Administration Offices where the rental facilities are located and online.
Hours for bookings and submitting applications may be limited.
Rooms will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. Reservations cannot be confirmed until the signed confirmation has been received and all fees and security deposits paid.
Campus room rental requires full payment at time of application.
Use of facilities may be revoked by Campus Administration if there is a conflict with City use.
Rooms may be booked no more than three months in advance and no later than two weeks before event.
The standard booking fee covers a two‐hour session, including set‐up and clean up time. Additional hours will be charged as listed in the fee schedule.
Rental agreements are subject to review by the City Departments, who will determine compliance with Campus meeting room policy.
A staffing fee will be assessed outside of operating hours, based on availability. See Fee Schedule.
REFUNDS less a $15 processing fee will only be given when the cancellation request is received in writing by the reservation office at least ten business days (Mon‐Fri) prior to use. Written refund request must include a copy of the permit and/or receipt. Allow 4 weeks for processing. Emails are accepted. Refund requests less than 10 business days before a room reservation will not be honored.
Please contact Library Administration for meeting room fees and room availability.
This category consists of programs or services that meet mutual goals to serve the public or special user groups and may be offered jointly by the Campus and a community group, agency or individual. A program proposal is required and available online. Program design, scheduling for the program and outreach is done in a collaborative way. City staff and the community group or agency participates in all aspects of the event from creation, funding, marketing, staffing and evaluation. Rental fees may be waived for collaborative programming.
Santa Monica Neighborhood Associations meeting the criteria for grant support are exempt from the regular hourly Campus rental fee while following all of the other rules in the Campus Meeting Room Policy.
Rental fees may be waived to other City Divisions, but are limited to 16 hours per month.
Posting Policy
In accordance with City of Santa Monica policy, the Santa Monica Public Library accepts the following items for posting and display: information on programs and events sponsored or co-sponsored by local, state, or federal government agencies, or by city grantee organizations. Material sponsored or co-sponsored by government agencies must be clearly identified, such as by an agency logo or a statement of sponsorship or support. Display of all items is limited by the available space. Priority is given to Library and City items followed by other governmental jurisdictions.
Content submissions to the Library’s social media sites must meet the City of Santa Monica’s Conditions of Use for City Social Media Sites.
Privacy Policy
Santa Monica Public Library makes every effort to protect the privacy of library users. The Library adheres to the American Library Association Code of Ethics that states in Article III:
"We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted."
This policy establishes guidelines for the protection of personally identifiable information contained in library records or accessible in the library or through its computer systems.
Confidentiality of Library Records
In keeping with the American Library Association's Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records and Policy Concerning Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information About Library Users and State of California Government Code §6267, Santa Monica Public Library staff will not respond to any informal request by a third party for personally identifiable information about any library user. Such information includes database search records, reference interviews, email requests for information, circulation records, interlibrary loan records, and other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities, or services.
Personally identifiable information may be released only to a law enforcement agency after presentation of an order by a court of competent jurisdiction issued in proper form (a court issued subpoena or search warrant) and/or under the provisions of the USA Patriot Act.
The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA PATRIOT Act) became law on Oct. 26, 2001. Under provisions of the act, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and law enforcement officials may seek court orders for Library records for investigations relevant to national security or terrorism. Libraries or librarians served with these search warrants may not disclose, under penalty of law, the existence of the warrants or the fact that records were produced as a result of the warrants. Patrons cannot be told their records were given to law enforcement agencies or that they were the subjects of FBI investigations.
Personally Identifiable Information
Santa Monica Public Library will collect only the information needed to contact library users, such as mailing address, email address, phone number, etc., in order to ensure the proper notification, lending, and return of library materials and the collection of fines. Records will be retained for the shortest length of time necessary to facilitate library operations.
Individuals may submit their name, email address, postal address, telephone number or other identifying information in order to receive library services such as borrowing privileges, access to Internet stations, receiving personal responses to questions, receiving Library promotional materials, or being added to specific mailing lists. The Library does not sell, rent or otherwise distribute information to outside parties except for possible uses related to the recovery of materials. However, library records may be subject to disclosure to law enforcement officials under provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA PATRIOT Act) and under some circumstances librarians may be forbidden to disclose that certain records have been requested or obtained
Email reference questions submitted to the Library will be retained for no more than twelve months. Questions are retained only for the purpose of statistics and to assist with follow up queries from clients. The questions themselves and any personal information such as names, email addresses, telephone and fax numbers submitted with the questions are confidential and are treated as other library user information under provisions the Confidentiality of Library Records policy above.
Remote Access to Electronic Resources and Web Server Usage Tracking
The Library may track the usage of the Library Web site and other Library systems and services accessed through Library servers.
The Library automatically collects and stores: the untitled name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet; the Internet protocol (IP) address of the computer you use; the browser software you use and your operating system; the date and time you access our sites; and the Internet address of the site from which you linked directly to our sites.
The Library uses this information only as anonymous aggregate data to determine the number of visitors to different sections of our sites and to help us make our sites more useful. The Library does not use the information to track or record information about individuals.
Cookies on Library Workstations
Cookies are small text files placed on user computers by a Web site to enable customization of individual visits. Some Library electronic services, such as the Library Catalog and remote databases, set temporary cookies for current sessions. These cookies do not capture personal information and are deleted when sessions are ended. Visitors can refuse the cookie by using instructions provided in browsers. Refusing or disabling cookies may result in an inability to access some library services from computers within the Library.
The Library does not use cookies or tracking mechanisms that collect personally identifying information on its site or in its online catalog.
Remote Access Databases
Many of the Library's electronic databases can be freely accessed from anywhere by anyone with a Santa Monica library card. The vendors of some of these databases collect statistics such the names of the databases used, how often they are used, and whether they are used in the Library or by remote access and the vendors provide the statistics to the Library. Database vendors used by the Library do not track personal information or specific queries submitted to the databases.
Information Collected
Use of electronic services is logged automatically by servers and software programs are used to summarize data from those visits. The data summaries do not identify individual visitors by name.
Server logs and statistical summaries are reviewed to learn how individual electronic services are used in order to improve Web site content, better manage network traffic, and troubleshoot server problems. Examples of statistics gathered include:
Library Online Catalog
- Patron log-in totals (patron names are not collected)
- Number of hold requests placed (patron names are not included)
- Number of renewals (patron names are not included)
- Search types (keyword, browse, etc.)
In addition, a library user may choose to have the online catalog collect information on such things as favorite authors or subjects in order to be notified when new materials arrive that will be of interest to the user. The Library user has the option to link this type of information to his or her library record, but such linkage is solely at the user's discretion.
Security of Library Records
The Library is part of the City Of Santa Monica network. The City makes every reasonable effort to protect its network from hackers. Email that people send to the Library is not necessarily secure against interception. The Library does not require sensitive information such as social security numbers or credit card numbers, and it is advisable not to send such sensitive information by email.
Procedures for Handling Requests for Library Records
Library staff who are approached by a law enforcement officer or agent with any request or court order to examine or obtain the library records of any library user will ask for identification and direct the officer or agent the City Librarian or other designated person in charge. The City Librarian or the designated person in charge will review the request or search warrant and seek the advice of the City Attorney.
Search warrants signed by the court are immediately enforceable. Staff will request identification and a copy of the warrant. Staff may request that the agent or officers direct inquiries through the City Librarian or the designated person in charge. The City Librarian or designated person in charge may request time to fax the warrant to the City Attorney for verification. If the officer or agent wishes to immediately enforce the search warrant, staff should not interfere but should proceed to notify the City Librarian or designated person in charge of the search.
Supporting Policies and Codes:
- American Library Association's Code of Ethics
- American Library Association's Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records
- American Library Association's Policy Concerning Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information about Library Users
- State of California Government Code Government Code Sections 6254 and 6267
Rules of Conduct
Adopted by the Library Board
We value community, inclusivity, and diversity. Our goal is to offer a safe and vibrant library experience for everyone.
To maintain a welcoming environment for ALL, we expect customers to:
- Respect each other and do their share in providing a peaceful library experience
- Abide by the Library’s Rules of Conduct
- Follow requests from library staff
- Follow city, county, state, and federal laws
Please tell a staff member if you see or hear anything that seems unsafe or unlawful.
No person or group will obstruct the operations of the Library by words, gestures, or deeds.
The following is a list of prohibited actions and behaviors:
Dangerous, Destructive, or Illegal Behaviors
- Violation of any federal, state, or local law while on Library premises
- Engaging in or threatening physical assault or abuse
- Threatening or harassing other patrons or staff, including but not limited to: verbal threats, stalking, offensive staring, or touching
- Displaying a weapon of any type, including firearms, knife, sword, or similar item
- Brandishing any object (e.g. baseball bat or golf club) in a threatening manner
- Lewd conduct as defined by Penal Code 647a
- Damaging, defacing, or destroying Library property
For purposes of these Rules of Conduct, the term “premises” means “all of the City libraries owned or operated by the City, including their meeting facilities, publicly-owned landscaped areas or greenbelts, public parking lots, public alleyways, public passageways, public right-of way, or any other grounds or improvements that are part of the City libraries.”
Misuse of Library Facilities
- Blocking aisles or access to Library facilities, furnishings, or equipment
- Sleeping on the premises
- Using restrooms for bathing, shaving, or washing of hair or clothing
- Loitering on the premises (“Loiter” means to delay or linger without a lawful purpose for being on the property and for the purpose of committing a crime as opportunity may be discovered.)
- Using more than one seat or table space per person
- Distributing or posting printed material in the Library
- Plugging in or using more than one Library electrical outlet
- Placing feet on tables, chairs, or against walls
- Sitting or lying on the floor on the premises
- Unless otherwise permitted by the City, no person shall remain, enter, or be present in or upon premises after closure of City libraries between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Disruptive Behavior and Hygiene
- Disrupting the Library with noisy or disorderly conduct
- Using the Library while shirtless, barefoot, or without shoes
- Using the Library while one’s bodily hygiene is so noxious that it prevents others from Library use
- Using electronic devices or other personal equipment that is disruptive, noisy, or unsafe
- Selling, soliciting, or any other commercial activity in the Library
- Photographing, audio recording, or filming for commercial purposes
Youth and Youth Areas
Note: For further information and guidelines about Youth in the Library, please refer to “Library Information for Parents.”
- Bringing any child under 8 years of age into the Library and leaving such child unattended without a caregiver age 14 or older
- Adult unaccompanied by a child or teen under the age of 18 being present in the Youth Services’ areas or the Youth Services’ restrooms
Misuse of Library Services and Materials
- Misusing Library Property (e.g. using books as a footstool or pillow)
- Damaging, removing, altering, or bypassing Library software or hardware
- Using another person’s internet or Library card to access services
Eating, Drinking & Smoking
- Smoking of any kind, including vaping on premises
- Possession or consumption of controlled substances, unless lawfully and medically necessary
- Using the Library while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substances, except any person using lawfully prescribed medication
- Possession of food or drinks without caps or lids inside the Library
Prohibited Mobility Devices and other Personal Belongings
Note: All personal belongings are subject to inspection.
- Bicycles, shopping carts, electric scooters, or other wheeled devices are not allowed inside the Library
- Items that are collectively too large to fit under a table and/or block walkways/doors with dimensions that exceed 26” x 16” x 15”
- Possession and placement of items that block aisles, block access to Library furniture, or prevent others from reasonable use of the premises
- Bringing any pet or animal into the Library, except a trained service animal, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (Service animals must be under the control of the owner and leashed at all times)
- Riding on skates, skateboards, electric scooters, or other motorized/electric devices (except for ADA mobility devices and strollers with a child) inside the Library
- Bringing sleeping bags, tarps, bed rolls, pillows, mats, or blankets inside the Library. Blankets may be brought into the Library for use by children.
- Leaving any belongings unattended on premises
The Library respects users’ rights to reliably and confidentially access content, but also has a duty to ensure that its shared community space is free of behavior that demeans, intimidates, or discriminates against patrons, other visitors, and employees. Therefore, to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal civil rights laws, anyone using library resources in a manner that is harmful to minors or creates an atmosphere that could harass, sexually harass, or discriminate against others may be subject to one or more of the actions listed below.
Any violation of these Library rules or violation of local, state or federal law in the Library may be addressed through one or more actions specified below:
- Verbal warning (e.g. notification of violation and reference to Rules of Conduct)
- Where appropriate, request to modify behavior
- Instruction to leave the Library immediately and not to return for the rest of the day
- Suspension of borrowing privileges
- Suspension of L 1.08.030: Library privileges including removal from, and denial of access to, all Library services and facilities for up to one year
- Removal of Library privileges for Self-Service (Open+) locations beyond Library suspension timeframe
- Criminal sanctions
The above actions may be cumulatively applied.
Note: In response to any patron concerns or requests to modify behavior under this policy, the Library will place the highest priority on the right of patrons to access content and will seek ways to address the concern without restricting that access.
Appeal of Suspension
Anyone who has been suspended from Library use may challenge the suspension. To request a review of the suspension, please phone Library Administration at (310) 458-8606 for a copy of the Request for Appeal of Library Suspension Form or obtain a copy from the City Clerk’s office. Complete the form and deliver it to the City Clerk’s office, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401, within 7 days of the start of the suspension. The written appeal will be reviewed by the Hearing Officer within 30 business days of the receipt of the request for an appeal. The suspension will remain in effect during the appeal process. The Hearing Officer’s decision is final.
(a) The Library Board may promulgate rules for the use of City libraries and the City Manager may promulgate rules for the use of City meeting facilities.
(c) Any person who has violated any rule or regulation duly adopted by the Library Board may be subject to the suspension of his or her borrowing or library visitation privileges for a period not to exceed one year, as provided by the Library rules.
(d) Any person subject to suspension of his or her borrowing or Library visitation privileges, as authorized by subsection (c) above, may appeal the suspension pursuant to Section 1.08.035. Unless otherwise ordered by the Hearing Officer or by a Court of competent jurisdiction, suspensions remain in effect during the pendency of any administrative or judicial appeal.
(f) Rules for the use of City libraries and meeting facilities shall be conspicuously posted on the premises. Any person who violates the rules shall be advised of the violation and the rules’ requirements. Any person who fails or refuses to comply with any rule after receiving a personal notice shall be warned that continued failure to comply may result in the person being required to leave the premises.
(g) Any person who fails or refuses to leave the facility after being given the requisite notice, warning and direction to leave, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars per violation, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Study Spaces Policy
Santa Monica Public Library study rooms are available for study and conferencing purposes by individuals and by small groups of people. The 2nd floor Workspace, at Main Library, is available for individual users only. Study rooms and workspaces are free of charge and on a first-come, first-served basis.
- A valid Santa Monica Public Library card is required for use of study rooms or workspaces.
- Reservation of a study room or workspace, made online or in-person, is required for use and available on a first-served basis.
- Reservations for study rooms or workspaces can be made the same day or up to one day in advance.
- Study room reservations can be a maximum of 2 hours a day across all locations and time. Only one reservation for study rooms can be in place at a time. Session length varies by location and availability.
- Workspace reservations can be a maximum of 4 hours per day.
- Study space reservations can include both study room and workspace use. The allocated reservation times are considered separate.
- Study room or workspace use must begin within 10 minutes of the reservation start time or the reservation may be forfeited to another patron.
- Patrons must provide their library card number and PIN number for study room or workspace check-in.
- Patrons may access an available study room up to 5 minutes in advance of scheduled session, but not earlier.
- The cardholder who reserves the study room or workspace must be present while space is in use.
Cancellations and Other Restrictions
- Patrons are asked to cancel reservations if they are no longer needed. Reservations may be cancelled online or by calling (310) 458-8600 with their library card number.
Study rooms and workspaces are not available to be used for any of the following:
- For purposes prohibited by city ordinance, by state or federal law, or by Library Rules of Conduct.
- For the commercial advertising or direct solicitation of clients or customers.
- For fundraising.
- For events or activities which directly profit the business of a commercial organization or individual.
- Users agree to leave the room and furnishings in the condition in which they are found. Users further agree to accept liability for any damage to the facility and its furniture caused by the occupancy of said premises by the individual or group.
- No Items shall be taped or tacked to painted walls. No flammable materials will be permitted.
- The Library may not be used as a mailing address for individuals or groups meeting there.
- Storage of personal property is not permitted. Do not leave personal property unattended. Library staff cannot ‘watch over’ or be held responsible for user’s property.
- In the event an individual or group fails to comply with any of the rules and regulations for use of Library meeting rooms, future use of facilities shall be denied.
Main Library 2nd Floor Study Rooms
Seven (7) study rooms are available on east side of the 2nd floor. Five are for use by a maximum of 4 people (study rooms #6, #7, #10, #11, and #12), two are for use by a maximum of 6 people (study rooms #8 and #9).
- Patrons must check in with staff at the 2nd floor Information Desk prior to the session.
- A “Study Room Keycard” will be provided by staff upon check-in.
- Upon leaving, patrons should return the “Study Room Keycard” card and inform staff when vacating rooms early.
- Reservations for the 2nd floor study rooms will end 30 minutes before closing.
- Lost “Study Room Keycards” are subject to a $2.00 fee.
Main Library 2nd Floor Workspace
There are twenty-two (22) workspace tables and two (2) standing adjustable stations located on the west side of the 2nd floor, each workspace accommodates one (1) person each. These workspace tables are meant for personal laptop use or simply to reserve a table for studying, reading, or work. Electrical outlets are available for your charging convenience.
- Patrons must check-in with staff person at the 2nd floor Information Desk to start their reservation.
- Reservations will end 30 minutes before closing.
Main Library Youth Services Study Rooms
Five (5) study rooms are available for use by children and teens in the Youth Services area of the first floor. Two are for use by a maximum of 2 people (study rooms #1 and #2); three are for use by a maximum of 4 people (study rooms #3, #4, and #5).
- May only be used by children and teens (up to age 17 or Grade 12). Adults, caregivers, or tutors accompanying the child/teen may be in the room with the child/teen in order to work with or supervise them. However, the child/teen must be the primary user of the study room and occupy the room for a majority of the session.
- Special needs adults may check out youth study rooms, with caregiver present.
- Patrons must check in with staff at the Youth Services Desk to start their reservation.
- A “Study Room In-Use” placard will be provided by staff upon check-in and must be displayed when occupying the study room.
- Upon leaving, patrons should return the “Study Room In-Use” card and inform staff when vacating rooms early and/or reserving a new session.
- Reservations for the Youth Services study rooms will end 15 minutes before closing.
Pico Branch Study Rooms
Three (3) study rooms are available at Pico Branch on a first-come, first-served basis. They are for use by a maximum of 4 people.
- Rooms are available in 1-hour increments.
- Patrons must check-in with staff at the Pico Branch desk to start their reservations.
- A second 1-hour session can only be booked after the first session has ended, for up to 2 hours per day.
- Reservations will end 15 minutes before closing.
Study Space Laptop Use Policy
The Santa Monica Public Library offers laptops for use with a Study Space reservation. Laptops may be borrowed free of charge and are available to library card holders on a first come, first served basis.
Study Space Laptop Requirements
- A valid Santa Monica Public Library account in good standing is required.
- Laptop use is available for up to 4 hours.
- Laptops cannot be renewed for additional time.
- Laptops may only be borrowed in conjunction with a Study Space reservation.
- Laptop usage is limited to Study Spaces. Laptops may not be taken out of the Study Space area and must be returned at the end of the Study Space reservation or at the end of the 4-hour reservation, whichever comes first.
- All users of Library equipment must adhere to the Library Rules of Conduct
Equipment Use and Printing
Chromebook Laptops
Chromebook laptops are available for self-checkout using the Laptop Kiosk in the Workspace or at the Service Desk. Chromebooks utilize the Google Chrome browser and may necessitate an e-mail address to operate cloud-based applications. Save all work at the end of your session. Chromebooks borrowed from the library will erase all user data upon log off.
Fees and Fines
Damaged or stolen laptops will be charged a damage fee up to $350. Overdue laptops will be charged $1.00 per hour after the 4-hour session if not returned.
Laptop Kiosk or Service Desk Check-Out
Checking out a laptop using the Laptop Kiosk or at the Study Room Service Desk requires a valid library account (in good standing) and PIN number for check-out. Upon return of the laptop, the kiosk will charge the device and check-in the item automatically.
Printing is available at the Workspace copier using Chromebook Printing or at Main Library using “Mobile Printing”. Chromebook printing is available on laptops checked-out from the Laptop Kiosk (or by Staff) by using File->Print. Mobile Printing is available for Chromebooks and personal devices by visiting
Study Space Lendables Policy
Santa Monica Public Library provides a variety of items for use with a study space check-out. These items or “lendables” can include items like dry-erase marker pack, a cable charging pack, or computer accessories. Lendables are free of charge and on a first-come, first-served basis and must be returned at the end of the study space session to avoid lost fees.
- A valid Santa Monica Public Library account is required for use of study rooms or workspaces and to borrow lendables.
- Reservation of a study room or workspace, made online or in-person, is required to borrow a lendable. Please review the Study Space Policy for more information.
- Lendables will be checked out to a borrower’s library account until the item is returned.
- With the exception of consumables (like dry-erase markers), the equipment must be returned in the same condition it is lent.
- Equipment not returned is subject to a $20 non-return or damage fee.
- Only one of each lendable type can be checked out at a time per account (one mouse and one cable etc.).