Bergamot First and Last Mile Improvements
The Bergamot Area First-Last Mile (FLM) Improvements project will connect local neighborhoods to transit facilities, bikeways, schools, parks, and employment opportunities. The project area is made up of three key corridors that will receive bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements as identified in the City's Land Use and Circulation Element, Bicycle Action Plan, Bergamot Area Plan, Pedestrian Action Plan and the Local Roadway Safety Plan. The key corridors are:
- Olympic Boulevard (north side only) from 26th Street to Stewart Street;
- 26th Street from Olympic Boulevard to Broadway; and
- Stewart Street from Colorado Avenue to Kansas Avenue; Colorado Avenue from Stewart Street to Yale Street; and Pennsylvania Avenue from Stewart Street to 26th Street.
The improvements will be implemented in three phases beginning with Olympic Boulevard sidewalk and finishing with Stewart Street and Pennsylvania Avenue bicycle and pedestrian improvements. The project is partially funded with Measure M tax dollars.
Project Elements
- Slip lane closure on the northeast corner of Olympic Boulevard and 26th Street
- New sidewalks, trees, and lighting on Olympic Boulevard (north side) from 26th Street to Stewart Street and on Pennsylvania Avenue from 26th Street to Stewart Street
- New crosswalk (west leg) at Olympic Boulevard and 26th Street
- Protected bikeway on 26th St from Olympic Boulevard to Broadway
- Protected bikeway on Stewart Street from Colorado Avenue to Kansas Avenue; and on Colorado Avenue from Stewart Street to Yale Street.
- Two bus islands on Stewart Street between Colorado Avenue and Nebraska Avenue
- Two bicycle signals; one at Stewart Street and Olympic Boulevard and another at Stewart Street and Colorado Avenue
- Curb extension and center median at Nebraska Avenue and Stewart Street
- Raised bike facility on Stewart St from 10 Freeway underpass to Kansas Avenue (southbound direction)
Construction Updates:
26th Street Improvement Project
The City of Santa Monica has contracted with Hardy & Harper, Inc.
Construction began September 16th and is anticipated to complete in by March 2025.
26th Street Construction Notice
For any questions related to the 26th Street improvement project please contact Steven Becerra at (310) 429-9305 or steven.becerra@santamonica.gov
Stewart Street and Pennsylvania Avenue Improvement Project
The City of Santa Monica has contracted with Excel Paving.
Construction is anticipated to start January 14th, 2025 and last approximately 18-months.
Stewart and Pennsylvania Construction Notice
For any questions related to the Stewart Street and Pennsylvania Avenue improvement project please contact Steven Becerra at (310) 429-9305 or steven.becerra@santamonica.gov
Olympic Sidewalk Improvement Project
The City of Santa Monica has contracted with Access Pacific Inc for the Olympic sidewalk improvements project.
The Olympic Boulevard Improvements Project closes a significant gap in Santa Monica's pedestrian network by improving pedestrian crossings, constructing a new sidewalk, and installing pedestrian lighting along the north side of Olympic Boulevard between 26th Street and Stewart Street. Construction work is scheduled to start from October 21, 2024, through July 2025.
Olympic Blvd Construction Notice
Please contact Mareia Wasef for any questions or concerns at (310) 401-0432or mareia.wasef@santamonica.gov.
Presentations & Milestones
- Santa Monica Spoke - 4/2/2024 7PM - RSVP for zoom link
- Mid-City Neighborhood Association - 3/19/2024 7PM - Zoom link
- Pico Neighborhood Association - 3/12/2024 7PM - Zoom Link
- Project Open House - 12/14 & 12/18/2019 - Open House Materials
- Urban Forest Task Force Meeting - 5/23/2018 - Presentation
- Council Meeting to Award Design Contract (Phase II) - 1/23/2018 - Staff Report
- Council Meeting to Award Design Contract (Phase I) - 12/12/2017 - Staff Report
Materials (for download)
- Flashing Yellow Arrow to be installed at Olympic Blvd & 26th St - 1/2025
- Colorado Ave & Yale St Crosswalk Removal Notice - 9/2024
- Bergamot Area First/Last Mile Improvements Brochure - 5/2024
- Bergamot Area First/Last Mile Improvements Presentation - 3/2024
- FAQ Sheet - 2018-2019
- Stewart & Pennsylvania Safety Enhancement Presentation - 2019
- Stewart Street Concept Plan - 2018-2019
- Pennsylvania Avenue Concept Plan - 2018-2019