Vision Zero Priority Intersections
Vision Zero is a national movement to eliminate deaths and serious injuries that result from traffic collisions. It is rooted in the belief that protection of life, health, and safety should be a civic priority. Vision Zero emphasizes shared responsibility among all road users, street design that promotes safety and eliminates risks, and better enforcement and education to prevent unsafe behavior. Vision Zero Santa Monica acts as an agreement between the community and the City to coordinate efforts and concentrate on the elimination of traffic injuries and fatalities.
An analysis of 11 years of traffic collision data (2006-2018) identified the primary collision factors and locations where severe and fatal injuries were occurring most frequently. The Vision Zero Priority Network Map highlights those areas that will be first to receive a detailed evaluation of collision reports, factors contributing to the crash, and effectiveness of potential countermeasures.
The following locations were identified as Vision Zero Priority Intersections and are currently scheduled for roadway enhancements:
Ocean Park Boulevard and Lincoln Boulevard
Project improvements will address documented safety concerns by adding bike lane protection, high visibility roadway markings, and limiting high risk turn movements. Enhancements will provide better connections to the Michele & Barack Obama Center for Learning, shopping center, Big Blue Bus, and Metro transit stops.
Project Fact Sheet
Olympic Boulevard and 14th Street
Project improvements will address documented safety concerns by dedicating more space to bicycles, refreshing crosswalks, and optimizing traffic signal timing. Enhancements will provide better connections to Memorial Park and other neighborhood destinations.