Wilshire Safety Study
Wilshire Boulevard is a top priority of the City of Santa Monica’s Vision Zero initiative to eliminate fatal and severe injury crashes from our streets. An analysis of over 11 years’ worth of collision data has demonstrated that half of all fatal and severe crashes in Santa Monica take place on only ten percent of the city’s streets, one of which is Wilshire.
The Wilshire Boulevard Safety Study set out to achieve the following goals:
- Use a data-driven process to understand current safety issues for all users on and across Wilshire Boulevard;
- Gather information from community stakeholders to understand existing safety context;
- Develop options for targeted safety enhancements;
- Encourage safe and accessible linkages to nearby homes, businesses, and transit;
- Identify preferred short- and long-term recommendations through a robust community engagement process.
The Wilshire Boulevard Safety Study was adopted by Santa Monica City Council on February 11, 2020.
Construction of Phase 1 Improvements on Wilshire Boulevard began May 8, 2023. Implementation will occur when the corridor is fully repaved between Ocean Avenue and Centinela Avenue.
Project Downloads
Presentations on Collision Data & Existing Conditions
- Santa Monica Northeast Neighbors – 3.4.19
- Wilshire Montana Neighborhood Coalition ‘WILMONT’ – 3.5.19
- Santa Monica Mid City Neighbors – 3.19.19
- Planning Commission - 5.22.19
- Disabilities Commission - 6.3.19
- Community Meeting - 6.8.19
- Blog Post - 5.15.19
Presentations on Safety Recommendations
- Wilshire Montana Neighborhood Coalition ‘WILMONT’ – 10.1.19
- Santa Monica Northeast Neighbors – 10.7.19
- Santa Monica Mid City Neighbors – 10.15.19
- Commission for the Senior Community - 10.16.19
- Special Planning Commission Meeting & Community Workshop - 10.17.19
- Video - Special Planning Commission Meeting & Community Workshop - 10.17.19
- Wilshire Safety Study Response to Planning Commission Comments
Final Reports