Parking Structure 3 Need for Repairs
- Since the early 2000's, Council planned to demolish the parking structure. On April 26, 2016 City Council directed staff to develop a detailed structural engineering assessment involving testing and analysis for Parking Structure #3. Council also directed staff to determine comparisons between financial impacts related to future repair costs of the structure versus replacing the structure with the future redevelopment Results of the study concluded that the estimated repair and seismic upgrade costs were significant. On April 9th, 2019 Council was presented with such finding and authorized staff to issue an RFP to obtain proposals to redevelop the site with affordable housing. Council approved a capital project to demolish the structure on June 25, 2019 during the FY 2019-20 CIP Budget. Council subsequently authorized a contract for a consultant to prepare demolition plans and obtain permits on July 23, 2019.
- City Council approved the demolition of Parking Structure #3 The City Council determined that demolition was necessary due to the projected capital costs to upgrade and seismically retrofit the parking structure and replace the aging elevators. Instead of upgrading the structure, the City Council authorized the demolition and repurposing of the City-owned land.
- Parking Structure #3 is in need of major repairs, including a seismic retrofit and replacement of the elevators, repairs of which were estimated to cost $4.5 million dollars in 2018-2019.
- To continue utilizing Parking Structure #3 for parking, major, costly repairs, including but not limited to seismic retrofit and replacement of the elevators, would be needed.
- Parking Structure #3 has not undergone the seismic retrofitting that has been completed for most downtown parking structures.
- As the parking structure is nearing the end of its useful life and incidents related to its age are occurring with greater frequency.
- If the demolition does not occur within the near term, a significant investment in seismic retrofitting would be required.