Permit Services Center
The Permit Services Center is open 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday (except Mobility Division - see below). Appointments are available and can be scheduled at checkin.smgov.net.
- Permit Specialist (building permit issuance, Building and Safety Division records)
- Building and Safety (Building Code consultations, review of Same-Day Review project types)
- City Planning (Zoning consultations, review of Same-Day Review project types)
- Mobility/SaMo DoT (Roadway Closure permit, temporary 'No Parking' signs, review of Same-Day Review project types) - available Monday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- Civil Engineering/Public Works (For work proposed in the public right of way, Use of Public Property Permit, Sewer Permit, all other encroachment permits)
- Business License (applications and renewals, Street Performer permit, contractor release submittals)
- Treasury (Transient Occupancy Tax, Utility Users Tax, Parking Facility Tax payments)
- Utility/Billing & Collections (utility service applications and payments, applications for low-income allowance, and Advance Deposit Hardship Waiver applications)
The building permit process is now 100% paperless and requires all permit applications and documents to be uploaded to the City's Electronic Plan Review System prior to visiting the public counter. Visit the Building Permits and Plan Review page for information and resources on how to submit a building permit application.
Virtual Permit Issuance and Virtual OTC/Same-Day Review services will continue to be offered.
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1685 Main Street
South Entrance, access from Olympic Dr.
Santa Monica, CA 90401