Restaurants Cleared to Expand Outdoor Dining Under Eighteenth Supplement
May 29, 2020 9:28 PM

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – This evening, Interim City Manager and Director of Emergency Services Lane Dilg signed an eighteenth supplement to Santa Monica’s declaration of a local emergency. The eighteenth supplement authorizes temporary outdoor dining extensions to adjacent sidewalk and/or adjacent parking, courtyard, or other private open space owned by the restaurant, for restaurants that open for in-house dining pursuant to the safety protocols required by the Los Angeles County Safer at Home Order.
This comes as Los Angeles County today announced the reopening of restaurants for dine-in service.
“Our local restaurants are part of the fabric of who we are as Santa Monica. As a community, we look forward to enjoying our favorite foods outside in our public spaces; as a City, we are committed to offering smart solutions for these beloved local businesses to thrive,” said Interim City Manager Lane Dilg.
LA County business re-opening guidance including protocol checklists for restaurants and other businesses can be found at A revised Health Officer Order permitting the opening of restaurants for dine-in service has also been posted to the County’s site. The City and local community partners have resources for businesses who are in the process of reopening. These tools can be found at
In addition to authorizing a temporary expansion of outdoor dining, the eighteenth supplement also supersedes and replaces certain earlier supplements to: (1) extend for two years the deadlines for planning, review, and permit-related actions; and (2) temporarily waive late payment fees for City leases and licenses, suspend rent payments by City tenants on the Santa Monica Pier, and suspend outdoor dining license payments, and authorize the implementation of a rent deferment program for City commercial tenants whose operations have been closed or significantly restricted by COVID-19 emergency orders.
For additional questions, call the City of Santa Monica’s hotline at (310) 458-8400. Sign up for emergency alerts by texting SMCOVID to 888-777 and regular email updates at
Media Contact
Constance Farrell
Communications & Public Information Manager