Prohibition on Live Audiences for Street Performers
October 12, 2020 10:28 AM

To ensure compliance with Los Angeles County social distancing requirements and the County’s prohibition on live audiences for street performers, the City of Santa Monica’s latest emergency supplement suspends the issuance of permits for street performers at the Pier, Third Street Promenade, and Transit Mall until December 31, 2020.
As a result, street performers will not be allowed in those spaces during their most crowded times, after 12 p.m. Monday through Friday and on weekends and holidays. During other times, the order prohibits street performers in those spaces from encouraging persons to gather to observe the performance and requires performers to comply with all County social distancing requirements, including wearing face coverings.
Other provisions in the Twenty-Seventh Supplement include:
- It authorizes the Director of the Community Development Department to issue regulations authorizing businesses to post curbside pickup signs on parking meters adjacent to or near the business and designating spaces in public parking lots where the City may post curbside pickup signs.
- It temporarily suspends certain Municipal Code requirements regarding procedures relating to HUD Community Development Block Grants that are inconsistent with HUD procedures adopted in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- It authorizes the Director of the Community Development Department to issue regulations regarding and issue temporary use permits for certain uses allowed by the County Safer at Home Order, including temporary outdoor sales and special events, for a period longer than 45 days but less than 180 days.
For the latest information, please visit, or call the City’s Coronavirus Hotline at (310) 458-8400.
Media Contact
Constance Farrell
Communications & Public Information Manager