An Update on Parking on Parkways and Driveway Aprons and Sidewalks
November 10, 2022 9:37 AM

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – City staff have been evaluating community feedback and looking at potential options in response to re-codified sections of Santa Monica's municipal code that prohibits parking on parkways and driveway aprons in order to ensure safe and accessible sidewalks.
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22500(f), vehicles blocking the sidewalk continue to be subject to citation enforcement and enforcement will continue to ensure safe and accessible sidewalks.
However, regarding parking in driveway aprons and parkways as outlined in 3.12.380 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code, City staff will evaluate this section of the code to determine what changes are necessary to ensure sidewalks remain accessible and parking does not occur on green spaces (parkways).
In order to provide staff the opportunity to consider and bring forward alternatives, beginning immediately:
- Issuance of tickets and financial penalties associated with parking on driveway aprons and parkways is suspended.
- Tickets and financial penalties associated with enforcing the current ordinance issued on or after November 1 will be dismissed. For citations issued on or after November 1, a dismissal letter will be sent to the registered owner. If the citation was paid, instructions will be provided in the letter for obtaining a refund.
Thank you for your cooperation as alternatives are being considered.
Media Contact
Constance Farrell
Communications & Public Information Manager