Housing Resources In Response to Fires

Overview of the Emergency Order Pertaining to Rental Housing:

The Emergency DOES NOT:

Continue the Process:

How to List Your Unit for Rent

  1. Register the Unit(s) or Room(s)

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    Fill out this simple registration form.  If you are already offering a unit for rent, please also fill out the form.

  2. Obtain a Business License

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    If you don’t already have one, apply for a Santa Monica business license for rental of residential property.  Once your application is submitted, staff will send you an e-mail with next steps and how to pay the business license tax and application fees.  If you are applying timely (within 30 days of renting out your unit) and your estimated revenue is under $100,000, the application fees are $44.  If your estimated revenue will be more than $100,000 then you will pay the application fee and the business license tax of $75 totaling $119.00.  Business licenses expired June 30th of each year and must be renewed annually.

  3. List the Unit or Room for Rent

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    The City has not partnered with any websites to list available units for rent. 

    To help you get started, here are examples of some websites where you can list your unit: