How to do business with the City of Santa Monica
Work with Us!
We welcome vendors to participate in providing goods and services to the City of Santa Monica community. The steps below will guide vendors through the registration and proposal/bid submission process. The Bidding Thresholds page includes a definition of each type and the dollar amounts determining when Council's approval is required. At any time, you can contact the Procurement Division with questions.
The City of Santa Monica is committed to the highest ethical standards in procurement. The City’s Procurement Code of Ethics formally establishes and further defines this intent.
About OpenGov Procurement
The City of Santa Monica contracts with OpenGov Procurement to manage its purchasing process with vendors. Registration is simple and free. Many neighboring Southern California cities use the same service. A general description of bid opportunities is available to view without registering.
Continue the Process:
View Bid Opportunities
+ -To publicly view bid opportunities without registering, click here. The public does not need to register to view bid information, prospective bidders lists, public documents, questions and answers, addenda, bid results, or award information.
Registered Vendors
+ -You must be registered as a vendor and activate an account for any of the following:
- Download private bid information package documents
- Submit a question
- Acknowledge addenda
- Submit a bid electronically
- Receive email notifications about bid opportunities.