How to File for Domestic Partnership
Although domestic partners live in a committed relationship, they are often denied public and private sector benefits because no mechanism has been established for registering their relationship. Domestic partners are often subject to marital status discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and hospital and jail visitation privileges. The purpose of the City's Registry is to create a mechanism for recognizing the relationships of domestic partners and provide a means of eliminating the discrimination that they face; and to recognize their equality with spouses. This partnership cannot be filed by anyone residing outside of California.
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Continue the Process:
Affidavits and Amendments of Domestic Partnerships must be filed in person.
Complete the Affidavit
+ -Download, complete and print the Affidavit of Domestic Partnership or request a form from the City Clerk's Office at Santa Monica City Hall. The form must be signed by both parties.
File the Affidavit
+ -File the Affidavit with the City Clerk's Office. One partner may bring in the Affidavit if both cannot be present.
Pay the Filing Fee
+ -Filing fees entitles the filers to two certified copies.
Only Notice of Revocations of Domestic Partnerships may be filed by mail.
Complete the Notice
+ -Download, complete and print the Notice of Revocation or call the City Clerk's Office to have a form mailed to you. The Clerk's Office can also provide information from the original Affidavit to help complete the form. Revocations only need one signature from one of the original partners.
No individual who has filed an Affidavit of Domestic Partnership (with a different partner) may file another Affidavit until six months after a Notice of Revocation terminating the previous partnership has been filed.
Enclose Payment
+ -Enclose a check or money order for the Revocation Fee payable to "The City of Santa Monica" and a return mailing address for your certified copies.
Mail Completed Notice
+ -Mail the completed notice to the City Clerk's Office at:
Santa Monica City Hall
City Clerk's Office
1685 Main Street, Room 102
Santa Monica, California 90401