How to List a Vacant Rental Unit
Rent Control publishes a list of available rentals in Santa Monica every Thursday. The list includes only units submitted by landlords, owners, or property management companies and is not compiled by us. The list is posted on our bulletin board at City Hall; printed copies are available at the Rent Control Office in Room 202 of City Hall during working hours; and it can be viewed online here.
Neither the Rent Control Board, the Rent Control Agency, nor the City of Santa Monica make any representation whatsoever about the units, their condition, status, or the terms of any rental agreement.
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Continue the Process:
Call us during working hours or leave a message with details about your vacant unit, and we will complete the Apartment Listing Form for you.
View or Download the Apartment Listing Form
+ -Before calling us, please view or download a blank form here. Please be prepared to provide all of the information requested on the form when you call.
Call During Business Hours
+ -You may call our main telephone number at (310) 458-8751 , and a staff assistant will take information about your rental and add it to the list.
Call After Hours
+ -We have a dedicated hotline for listing vacant units at (310) 434-2609 . If listing by voicemail, please speak slowly and distinctly. State the address, unit number, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, rent amount, what housing services are provided, and the name and phone number of the contact person. Please also say whether you accept pets.
Review Your Listing
+ -The list is updated by noon each Thursday. The deadline for listing a unit is 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Any submissions received after this deadline will not appear until the following week’s list is published. Please check that the information for your rental is correct. If a correction is needed, please call us during business hours at (310) 458-8751 or leave a message at (310) 434-2609.
Remove or Renew Your Listing
+ -Please let us know when you would like to remove your listing. A vacancy will be listed for six weeks, unless you request that it be removed earlier. If you would like to renew, please let us know, and we will continue to include your unit on the list. You can request removal or renewal by phone, voicemail, or email to rentcontrol@santamonica.gov.
We have prepared a simple form you can email to us to post your listing.
Download the Apartment Listing Form
+ -You can download a blank form here.
Complete the Form
+ -The downloadable form is a fillable Adobe pdf file. You can type directly onto the form.
Save Your Completed Form
+ -Save the form to your computer, so you will be able to attach it to your email.
Email the Form to Us
+ -Send an email to rentcontrol@santamonica.gov and be sure to attach the completed Apartment Listing Form you saved.
Review Your Listing
+ -The list is updated by noon each Thursday. The deadline for listing a unit is 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Any submissions received after this deadline will not appear until the following week’s list is published. Please check that the information for your rental is correct. If a correction is needed, please call us during business hours at 310-458-8751, leave a message at 310-434-2609, or send an email to rentcontrol@santamonica.gov and let us know how you would like the listing to be modified.
Remove or Renew Your Listing
+ -Please let us know when you would like to remove your listing. A vacancy will be listed for six weeks, unless you request that it be removed earlier. If you would like to renew, please let us know, and we will continue to include your unit on the list. You can request removal or renewal by phone, voicemail, or email to rentcontrol@santamonica.gov.
You may request a paper copy of the listing form and mail it to us.
Download the Apartment Listing Form or Request a Paper Copy
+ -You may download a blank form here. If you would rather complete a paper copy, please call us or send an email to rentcontrol@santamonica.gov, and we will mail forms to you.
Complete the Form
+ -Complete the form on paper. Keep a copy if you like.
Mail the Form
+ -Mail your completed forms to:
Santa Monica Rent Control
1685 Main St., Room 202
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Review Your Listing
+ -The list is updated by noon each Thursday. The deadline for listing a unit is 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Any submissions received after this deadline will not appear until the following week’s list is published. Please check that the information for your rental is correct. If a correction is needed, please call us during business hours at 310-458-8751, leave a message at 310-434-2609, or send an email to rentcontrol@santamonica.gov and let us know how you would like the listing to be modified.
Remove or Renew Your Listing
+ -Please let us know when you would like to remove your listing. A vacancy will be listed for six weeks, unless you request that it be removed earlier. If you would like to renew, please let us know, and we will continue to include your unit on the list. You can request removal or renewal by phone, voicemail, or email to rentcontrol@santamonica.gov.