How to Obtain a Community Event Permit

A community event permit follows the Community Events Ordinance and is needed for any activity or event on eligible sites with 150 people or more, any assembly that may obstruct or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic or does not comply with normal or usual traffic conditions, or an event of any size that requires a temporary structure permit (e.g., stage, bleachers, etc.) from the City's Fire Department or Building & Safety Division.

Continue the Process:
  1. Preview Permit Eligibility

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    Visit the Open Counter permit portal at and select the event type, desired date(s) / time duration (including set-up / breakdown), location, and other event elements. 

    This step provides a preview of costs, total number of additional permits required and whether the event is eligible for a community event permit.

  2. Create Account and Complete Application

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    If the event is permittable, continue with the prompts to create an Open Counter account and submit an application, including a non-refundable application fee. After submitting an application, details on additional requirements will be provided such as whether additional permits or a detailed site plan may be needed.

  3. Upload Additional Requirements

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    Continue to upload additional requirements provided in the previous step via the Open Counter permit portal. 

  4. Permit Issued

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    Once all requirements have been uploaded and fees paid, a digital copy of the Community Event Permit will become available to download. The Community Event Permit must be available and presented upon request at all times during the event.

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