Santa Monica Budget

Santa Monica is planning for the next two years and wants to hear what is most important to you. 

City staff are currently working on developing the city budget for the period of July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2027. Your opinion is valuable in this process. 

La ciudad de Santa Mónica está planificando los próximos dos años y quisiera saber qué es lo más importante para usted.

Actualmente, el personal de la ciudad está trabajando en desarrollar el presupuesto de la ciudad para el período del 1 de julio de 2025 al 30 de junio de 2027. Su opinión es valiosa durante el proceso. 


Watch the recording of the virtual community meeting here. View the PowerPoint presentation here.

Previous meetings:

Santa Monica has biennial operating and capital budgets, and publishes an addendum during the second year, also called the exception-based budget year. The cycles are staggered to provide staff time to focus on budget preparation. All other reports are annual.  

The Public Works Department develops and manages Santa Monica's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget. For Capital budget questions, please contact Public Works.  

To access budget and financial report documents from years before FY 2004-05, please contact the City Clerk's Office.

Archived Prior Year Budgets