Pier Bridge Replacement Project
We're continuing to invest in Santa Monica's public spaces!
The Pier Bridge is a vital pedestrian link and the sole vehicular route to one of Santa Monica's most prominent destinations, the Santa Monica Pier. In a typical year, it carries millions of visitors from Palisades Park to the Santa Monica Pier and the Beach. The reinforced concrete structure was built in 1939 and is owned by the City. The primary purpose of the Pier Bridge Replacement Project is to replace the 84-year-old bridge and to provide a seismically sound and functional bridge for the residents, pier businesses, and visitors ahead of the 2028 Olympics.
Council certified the Pier Bridge Replacement Project EIR in June 2023 and approved the preferred alternative bridge design. The new bridge would have wider (15') sidewalk on the south side of the bridge. Staff and the bridge designer are now working on the final design and development of bidding documents for the construction and the replacement of the 85-year old bridge. The design is approaching 100% currently. Construction would be expected to begin in Fall of 2025 and take between 18-24 months, with construction estimated to be completed prior to the Los Angeles 2028 Summer Olympics. The design and construction of the replacement bridge is to be primarily funded with federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funding.
Recirculated Final EIR/EA
Recirculated Final EIR/EA Volume 1
Recirculated Final EIR/EA Volume 2
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
News update 10/31/2024
Schedule Highlights
- June 13, 2023: Present Recirculated Final EIR/EA and the Preferred Alternative (#2) to City Council
- 2023-2024: Design
- 2024-2025: Permits and Approvals
- 2025-2027: Construction
- 2028: LA2028 Olympics
For Pier utility relocation updates, please go to https://www.santamonica.gov/pier-electrical-utility-relocation