9 Reasons to Buy or Sell items at Santa Monica’s Citywide Yard Sale

August 20, 2018 9:30 AM
by Theodore Tollin

If you’re in need of new belongings or have items you want to get rid of, the City of Santa Monica encourages you to stop by the 8th Annual Citywide Yard Sale on Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018, between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Hosted by the Resource Recovery and Recycling (RRR) Division of the Public Works Department, this event provides the opportunity for residents to sell items to those who may need them, while reducing landfill deposits. It’s also a great way to get to know your neighbors.

Here are nine reasons why you should sell your items or shop around to find great deals.

  1. Pick up a new book to read at the beach. Purchasing used books is also an environmentally friendly option. Not only does buying second-hand help to save trees, it also reduces landfill waste.
  1. Buy a Bike: Biking is a great way to get around while reducing your carbon footprint because they produce zero emissions. Riding a bike is also great for your health. According to Washington, D.C. Department of General Services, “You can burn between 215-500 calories during a 30-minute bike ride (based on a 10-mph average commuter pace).” Some bikes, like the one pictured below, come with extra attachments for those who need them.


  1. Find new clothes: Instead of giving money to large corporations that inflate costs, add to your wardrobe by buying locally. The Waste & Resources Action Programme in the United Kingdom discovered that using clothing items for just three more months than usual would reduce carbon, water, and waste footprints by 5-10 percent. This is an especially good way to reduce waste because, on average, Americans contribute 81 pounds of clothing to landfills every year.
  1. Learn a new skill: Expenses and access can keep people from picking up new hobbies. However, at the Yard Sale, you can find discounted items that still function perfectly as motivation to try something new. Golf clubs, surfboards, and other fun activities have been found in years past.
  1. Shop early for Halloween costumes: Halloween is only a couple of months away, and you can beat the crowds while getting a costume at a discounted rate. Children will especially enjoy this feature. Re-purposing Halloween costumes are a great alternative to new ones that are wrapped in plastic and other wasteful materials. Do it yourself costumes often look better anyway. Here is a link to an article to help you brainstorm ideas for yours.
  1. Toys: Another reason your kids will love the yard sale is that toys are commonly sold items. This is a greener alternative to purchasing new toys that require more resources to produce and package. Playing is crucial for a child’s development, and these toys can help make that happen. 
  1. New kitchen supplies: Cooking at home can save a ton of money. However, cooking requires tools that can be expensive in retail stores and online. Find these tools at this year's yard sale for a deal on kitchenware at a fraction of the cost.
  1. Help Santa Monica reach Zero Waste: The Citywide Yard Sale plays a part in helping the City reach its Zero Waste Goal of achieving 95 percent diversion from landfills by 2030. Click here to read more.
  1. Connect with your community: Aside from economic and environmental advantages, social wellbeing is also promoted through the yard sale. Sellers can give back to community members in need, while buyers will get a chance to meet people they may otherwise not mingle with. The City of Santa Monica values human connection especially with the dawn of the digital age.

How to register to sell your items

Sellers can click here to register online, call RRR’s customer service line at (310) 458-2223 or register in person at the RRR office, 2500 Michigan Avenue, by September 3. Residents that register in person or over the phone must provide their email address, yard sale address, types of items for sale, and if they require bulky item pick-up. Bulky item pick-up will be available for yard sale participants on Sunday, Sept. 16 and shortly after registration closes on September 3.

RRR will post the yard sale map on our website at www.smgov.net/R3 and in the Santa Monica Daily Press. 

Authored By

Theodore Tollin
Administrative Intern