Youth Education
Graduation Rate
This chart shows graduation rate for Santa Monica - Malibu School District students. In the 2020/2021, 96 percent of students graduated. This is an increase from previous years and exceeding the Sustainable City Plan to maintain above 91 percent.
Suspension Rate
This chart shows the percent of Santa Monica-Malibu School District students suspended in 2020/2021 school year. This is a significant decrease from previous years and well below the target to maintain under 4.4%.
Dropout Rate
This chart shows the percent of students who have dropout in the 2020/2021 school year in Santa Monica - Malibu School District. There is slight decrease from the previous school year, but overall this indicator is trending downward.
College Admissions Requirements
This chart shows the percent of high school students meeting college admission requirements in the Santa Monica-Malibu School District for the 2020/2021 school year. There is a slight increase from the previous school year. The target is to maintain this percentage above 77 percent.
Students who feel safe at school
Based on the survey responses of the California Healthy Kid Survey, this chart shows the percent of responses from Santa Monica - Malibu School District students that answered their school is perceived as "safe" or "very safe." Unfortunately, these indicators are trending downward and are below the target threshold of 67 percent.